5 Ounces Online Shopping

I was recently sent some product from 5 Ounces in order for me to do a review. 5 Ounces is a gourmet food and wine website that offers its members special prices on various products for a limited period. Trevor Gosling is the founder and the website went live on the 1st of August. As a member I receive a couple of emails a week, detailing what is on special for that specific time period.

In the gift pack I was sent, I sampled Chrisna’s garlic and herb olives and I can say that this is a great product that I will purchase again. I was also sent two packs of nigiro tea. These are real tea leaves and thankfully I have a bodum tea pot for brewing. I sampled the pure chamomile even though this is my least favourite tea, as well as the jasmine chung hao. I drink jasmine tea every day and this one was a great tea. Furthermore, I managed to get 4 mugs of tea out of the one sachet by leaving the tea leaves in the bodum after brewing.

In order for me to share this website with you, I decided to order something from them first. I was given a R50 voucher for signing up, and if any of my friends sign up after being invited by me, I will receive R100 credit when they place their first order. I placed an order for a case of Marklew Capensis 2005 (6 bottles) and I was charged R485 for the case. This reserve blend of Cabernet, Merlot, Pinotage and Shiraz is available from the cellar door at a cost of R120 per bottle which meant I saved R235 by purchasing through the website. The delivery cost is R65 which is quite steep in my opinion considering I can get stock sent to me via courier from one of my suppliers at R55 regardless of the weight, or I can order from yuppiechef and delivery is free of charge no matter what the value of my order is. Yesterday I sent wine up to Johannesburg for my father and that cost me R50 per case.

I tried to process the payment through my Amex card and it did not work, but I am going to assume that as I was the 42nd person to purchase from the company that this is a start up issue and will be ironed out with time. My order was placed on the 3rd of August and I immediately received an email with my order confirmation and information on how to track the status of my order. The order was dispatched from Cape Town on the 13th of August, and received by me on the 14th. This amounted to 6 working days which is a tad slow and I hope that as time goes on, orders are processed quicker as this was where the delay was according to the website information.

So, would I use the site again – yes, if there was something on it I considered a bargain. Would I recommend the site – for sure, which is why I am telling you about it here. And the wine? Well, we had a bottle last night and it is fantastic!

Disclosure: I was asked to share this website with my readers which I have done so only because I think it is worth sharing. Even though I received a gift from 5 Ounces there was no understanding that I would review the site and I have not been paid to write this review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

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21 thoughts on “5 Ounces Online Shopping

  1. I thought you were paying a fortune for your wine at 125Rand until I went to an internet currency converter to find that it is equivalent to 12€! Much more sensible.

  2. As a blogger, I still think it’s laughable that I don’t utilize the ease of internet shopping. Sounds great from your review so maybe –just maybe, I’ll give online shopping a go 😉

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