A Time for Mercy, John Grisham

A Time for Mercy opening line: The unhappy little home was out in the country, some six miles south of Clanton on an old country road that went nowhere in particular.

A Time for Mercy

My blurb:

Drew Gamble does not look like he is sixteen. He is small for his age and there are no signs of puberty. But that does not stop him behaving like an adult when he fears for his life. He shoots the man he believes has killed his mother. And now he faces the full wrath of the judicial system. Can Jake perform another miracle and get the boy freed from facing the gas chamber?

A Time for Mercy


Deputy Stuart Kofer is a protected man. Though he’s turned his drunken rages on his girlfriend, Josie, and her children many times before, the police code of silence has always shielded him.

But one night he goes too far, leaving Josie for dead on the floor before passing out. Her son, sixteen-year-old Drew, knows he only has this one chance to save them. He picks up a gun and takes the law into his own hands.

In Clanton, Mississippi, there is no one more hated than a cop killer – but a cop killer’s defence lawyer comes close. Jake Brigance doesn’t want this impossible case but he’s the only one with enough experience to defend the boy.

As the trial begins, it seems there is only one outcome: the gas chamber for Drew. But, as the town of Clanton discovers once again, when Jake Brigance takes on an impossible case, anything is possible …

My verdict:

It has been some time since I last read a John Grisham novel. This one was as enjoyable as the last, other than the fact that it just ended. Not quite a cliffhanger, but hopefully of a sequel to follow. Jack Brigance featured in A Time to Kill  and Sycamore Row.

Publishing information:
Category: Fiction
ISBN:   9781529342338
Publisher:  Hodder & Stoughton
On sale: November 2020
Format: Paperback

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Jonathan Ball Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime January 3:

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