
Larousse Gastronomique (page 598) defines a lamington as 'a small Australian cake, made from a square of sponge coated in chocolate icing and dipped in desiccated coconut' (abbreviated). The cakes are named after Lord Lamington who was the governor of Queensland from 1896-1901. The idea is to soak sponge in a chocolate sauce and then … Continue reading Lamingtons


Blog-checking lines: The July Daring Cooks' Challenge took us to Korea, where Renata of Testado, Provado & Aprovado taught us to make bibimbap. This colourful rice dish can be customized to meet any taste, and is as much fun to eat as it is to say! In the last couple of months, the saying "There but for … Continue reading Bibimbap


I have twice tried haggis and the first time was not a memorable experience. We had it at a local restaurant for Burns Night and frankly it was nothing to write home about. When we were in Scotland I ordered some at a local pub, and what made it was the whisky sauce! This month … Continue reading Haggis