Coiled Bread Rolls

This month for the Daring Bakers’ Challenge we were asked to make “Ensaimda” which is a Spanish Pastry that resembles a snail, hence my decision to call them Coiled Bread Rolls. It was mandatory that we used the recipe provided, but I deviated slightly. I am sure Google will not approve of a bunch of recipes suddenly appearing on the internet all in one go which are exactly the same. A sweet filling did not excite me too much. I wanted to take the base recipe, which is for an enriched dough, and add a savoury note to it using some nigella seeds I have had in my kitchen since June 2012! I found them while on a trip to Scotland and only when I was watching the third season of The Great British Bake Off did I get some inspiration to use them in rolls. At the same time as I made these coiled bread rolls I made a batch of chopped chicken livers. We had this for lunch over the weekend and the rolls added the perfect note to the chopped livers. They are rich and the nigella seeds impart a crunch of onion that is amazing. I took the left over rolls to work and had one with boiled eggs. I was so glad I had made the changes as the rolls worked out perfectly for my work lunch as well. The coiled bread rolls are easy to make and I hope you give them a try.

Coiled Bread Rolls
Coiled Bread Rolls
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Coiled Bread Rolls

Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 4 rolls
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 50 g fructose
  • 1 egg
  • 30 mls olive oil
  • 300 g flour
  • 8 g instant yeast
  • 120 mls water
  • 3 g fine salt
  • 10 mls nigella seeds
  • 100 g butter, divided
  • Canola oil for greasing


  • Place the fructose, egg and olive oil into a stand mixer bowl and whisk until combined
  • Add the flour, yeast and water
  • With a dough hook attachment, knead the mixture for 1 minute on a medium speed
  • Add the salt and nigella seeds
  • Knead for 5 minutes until soft and pliable
  • Remove the dough from the bowl, lightly grease it and place the dough back in the bowl
  • Cover and leave to rise for 2 hours
  • Knock back the dough and turn out onto a lightly oiled surface
  • Divide equally into 4 pieces and shape each piece into a ball
  • Shape each ball into a fat sausage
  • Roll each sausage into a rectangle as thin as possible
  • Spread 25g of the butter onto each rectangle in a thin layer (use your hands to make it easy to do)
  • Stretch each rectangle using your hands into a larger rectangle
  • Roll lengthwise as tightly as possible into a long sausage shape
  • Roll the sausage to lengthen it slightly
  • Coil each sausage loosely to resemble a snail shell
  • Place each coil onto a lined baking tray
  • Cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to prove for an hour
  • Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
  • Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown in colour
  • Cool on a wire rack

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Blog-checking lines: 
The August Daring Bakers’ Challenge took us for a spin! Swathi of Zesty South Indian Kitchen taught us to make rolled pastries inspired by Kurtoskalacs, a traditional Hungarian wedding pastry. These tasty yeasted delights gave us lots to celebrate!

What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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27 thoughts on “Coiled Bread Rolls

  1. Oh, that weekend lunch sounds delicious and that rolls are certainly good looking Tandy:)

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