Recipe For Poor Man’s Pudding

Guest Blogger: Michala Schiodt.

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Poor Man's Pudding


  • 2-4 ripe bananas sliced
  • 1 or 2 packets of Tennis biscuits
  • 1 carton Ultra Mel custard
  • shaved chocolate for decoration.


  • Spread a layer of Ulta Mel on the plate
  • put the biscuits on top
  • put the bananas on top of that
  • then biscuits and a layer of Ultra mel
  • When you have made the desired layers, put the plate in the fridge, and take out an hour or so before serving.

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Here’s Roger’s pudding, called Poor man’s Pudding.The size of it depends on how many layers you want, and the size of the plate and how many will eat it. The idea is that the biscuits soak up the custard. It tastes like Tiramisu only better! Michala


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