I Will Be Back

I will be back! I am tearing my hair out and at my wits end. Even in a different city and on a different computer my blog is ‘not working’ or the internet coverage is dismal.

I Will Be Back

At the time of writing this, I am in Johannesburg spending time with my nieces and my sister before they head back to Sydney. I am having an amazing time cooking, baking, shopping and eating! And I even had time for a Thai reflexology treatment yesterday with my sister – her 40th birthday present from me. Thankfully my ever faithful BlackBerry has not let me down and I’ve been able to reply to emails and blog comments and read the blogs I follow through my RSS reader on my PlayBook. When I get home I will make sorting this out a priority as I have some wonderful recipes to share with you! I had every intention of blogging here but this has just not been possible.

But time spent with family is precious, and I would not change that for anything. There is nothing better than hugs and cuddles from little ones and these precious memories will have to sustain me for a long time.

Sending you all much blog love


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55 thoughts on “I Will Be Back

  1. Technology can be incredible frustrating Tandy, especially for people like me who’s knowledge is somewhat limited.
    Enjoy the time with your sister and nieces and looking forward your posts when you are back home.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  2. Hi tandy! Omg I can imagine how frustrating that must really be for you! While I was in jakarta the internet wasn’t running almost every second day! Lol but sometimes it makes us realise how attached we all are to technology! Have a nice time with your little break! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been baking up! 🙂

  3. I feel your pain. I have paid up front for a year’s worth of internet with a certain company. Since December I only have a decent connection before 8am and after 3-4pm. Pretty much nothing in between those hours. It’s so infuriating. Grrrr! I hope you manage to get your problems sorted out but customer service doesn’t seem to be the highest priority of these telcoms companies 🙁 Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    1. This issue with Vodacom is driving me nuts. Hello Peter will be my next stop if this is not resolved! Have a super evening 🙂

  4. I wonder if your family in Jo’burg are staying anywhere near to where my daughter lives. The internet there is almost non existent. I was also tearing my hair out when we visited. See you soon, and have fun.

    1. Where does she live? My folks are in Bramley Park. Since Vodacom upgraded to LTE its been dismal. I’m going to get MTN 3g at home to see if it’s better 🙂

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