December 2013 Showcasing In My Kitchen

It is amazing that December 2013 is here already! I won’t be blogging much during the holidays but the regular In My Kitchen post hosted by Celia from Fig Jam And Lime Cordial is one post I will not miss.

In My Kitchen December 2013 ….

are chillies that we brought back from Italy. A string of 50 cost us €2 and I have given some away as a gift. I also dried one and am trying to make the seeds grow into chilli bushes for gifts.

In My Kitchen December 2013 Calabrian Chillies
Calabrian Chillies

in my kitchen ….

is a new candy thermometer. After my nougat disaster I called my mom and asked her whether the thermometer I had given her for mother’s day was good. She told me it was fantastic, and so I got one for myself. I have used it once to make ice cream.

Candy Thermometer
Candy Thermometer

in my kitchen ….

is David’s coffee grinder. We have access to the most amazing coffee beans but we have never had a grinder. I won R1000 in the kiwi fruit challenge and I put that, plus the money Dave got from his mom towards buying him the KitchenAid coffee grinder. It was worth the expense and if you are looking for a decent grinder for coffee beans then I can highly recommend this one.

Kitchen Aid Coffee Grinder
KitchenAid Coffee Grinder

in my kitchen ….

is a Le Creuset pepper mill – well, actually it is in my dining room but I had to share it with you all. I was getting sick and tired of our pepper mills not working properly and so decided to splurge and get one from Le Creuset. Next on my list is the matching salt mill!

Le Creuset Pepper Mill
Le Creuset Pepper Mill

in my Italian kitchen was ….

butter made from buffalo milk. It was so white and really tasty and if I could have found a way to bring it back with us, I would have


in my kitchen ….

is a new snack platter, piece of slate and a bowl which I bought for the Simple Snacking Challenge

Sundowner Snacks December 2013
Sundowner Snacks

in my kitchen ….

is the contents of a gift box that I received from Pick n Pay in anticipation of their Victorian & Alfred Waterfront store re-opening

Pick n Pay December 2013
Pick n Pay

What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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41 thoughts on “December 2013 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. Tandy, I’m stunned you were able to bring back those gorgeous chilli’s! Australian customs would have none of that! We’re so strict here…
    Love the look of the Buffalo butter, sounds most delish! xx

    1. Australian customs is terribly strict – and I would never try and bring anything through customs when visiting. However here, we were lucky enough not to be stopped 😉

  2. Ha, great minds… I bought a candy thermometer recently too! Wonder why it took me so long, especially when I co-owned a cookware store for a decade!

    Lovely round up of goodies there, Tandy. Happy baking.

    1. Lizzy, Dave never takes home the hardware he needs from the office so I can totally relate to you not having a candy thermometer 🙂

  3. G’day Tandy and thank you for your lovely kitchen view!
    I love Calabrian Chillies and I have a “thing for pepper mills”….where it stems from, I have no clue! 🙂

  4. Tandy, thank you for always making the time to join in, I know how busy you get, but I always look forward to looking into your kitchen so much! I love your red Christmas post, everything looks so festive, from the pepper mill, to the chillies, to the grinder! Hope the new thermometer works well for you! xx

  5. Hi Tandy, what a bargain those chillies are! I harvested about 300 of my own, dried some, froze some and kept some seeds for planting in spring. I will make some spice mixtures with the dried ones.

  6. I always end up wanting to bring back loads of food when I travel. I think I should pack an extra case just for goodies… but import/export regulations aren’t always friendly to taking fresh foods.

    Also I really need a coffee grinder!

    1. Hi GG and thanks for the visit. I have one tiny chilli bushy growing and hopefully I will get a few more as these chillies are super 🙂

  7. So many lovely things in your kitchen again Tandy. A le Creuset store has recently opened at Walmer Park Shopping Centre so we are slowly catching up with everybody else.
    I love the smell of freshly ground coffee – your kitchen must smell lovely in the mornings and what a great hamper from Pick n Pay.
    Have a lovely afternoon and thank you again about the wonderful news about winning the bottle of wine.
    🙂 Mandy xo

    1. Dave makes instant coffee in the mornings – I much prefer that as it is a ritual of drinking my HUGE mug while reading blogs 🙂

  8. Tandy, your coffee grinder and pepper mill are gorgeous! Things that are functional as well as beautiful are always a good investment; you’ll enjoy them for years! I also like your gift box goodies…

  9. I love the red peppermill and coffeemill- my sons both have a burr head in their mills and tell me that my bladed one is substandard. I’m sure it is- just haven;t upgraded yet.
    Thanks for sharing, Tandy- Merry Christmas!

  10. I totally agree about rubbish pepper and salt grinders. You go through so many and in the end you buy a decent one and think ‘Why didn’t I do that from the start?’ Should be a life tip for those leaving home for the first time…. And, it’s TERRIBLE when you find a delicious product overseas and can’t get it back at home. Thanks for the tour, Have a great break

  11. The butter from buffalo milk looks yummy. I have water in my mouth. I love that grinder for coffee beans.

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