May 2015 Showcasing In My Kitchen

Today will be my first day back in the office after our trip to France ending at the beginning of May 2015. I am writing this post in advance so you will all have to wait to see what magical things I found on our trip. If you would like to read my diary of the trip, click here

May 2015 Showcasing In My Kitchen

Celia from Fig Jam And Lime Cordial gathers us together each month to show what is on our kitchens, and in my kitchen this month is the start of a kitchen! I bought a butlers tray as my parents came to visit on Easter weekend and the bedroom they stayed in is not quite finished. The butlers tray worked a treat for their morning coffee and as a table. I kept the removable tray part in the cottage kitchen to take things back and forth to the house. Here you can see the tiles we have chosen for our kitchen.

Butlers Tray In My Kitchen May 2015
Butlers Tray

For our Passover dinner I decided to serve quails eggs, instead of the traditional hens eggs. I unpacked my Chinese tea set that Camilla gave me for my 30th birthday. This is the first time it has been used!

Chinese Tea Set
Chinese Tea Set

I needed two more cups to serve the quails eggs and I settled for a set of egg cups from Le Creuset. I had thought that someone, sometime would like soft boiled eggs and hopefully I get good use out of them.

Egg Cups
Egg Cups

I have been sent a wonderful collection of recipe books to review. The first on this month’s list is Low Carb Is Lekker. Lekker translates literally from Afrikaans as being nice but it means so much more than that. In food terms one would think of the words delicious and tasty. You can read my review here.

Low Carb Is Lekker
Low Carb Is Lekker

Debbie Ayub, the wife of Chef Peter Ayub invited me to the book launch of Sense Of Taste. Sadly I was unable to attend but she kindly sent me a copy of the book to review. As I type this, the book is sitting on my dining room table waiting for me to test recipes.

May 2015
Sense Of Taste

What I blogged May 6:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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33 thoughts on “May 2015 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. Oh, you must be so pleased to have a kitchen on the way – hopefully I too will have the start of house and kitchen very soon – fingers crossed:-)

  2. That butlers tray is so cool and useful Tandy. What a clever idea it was to buy that to stand in for a table and a way to carry things back and forth. I look forward to seeing all your pics from France xx

  3. Your butlers tray look fabulous! I have 2 old fashioned tea trolleys – the one in the dining room has photo’s on it.
    Have a wonderful day Tandy and welcome home.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  4. I love this post…especially your butler tray…looking forward to see how your kitchen will look…
    Enjoy your week Tandy 🙂

  5. Hope you enjoyed your trip Tandy – so jealous!!! I’ve had a read of some of your entries and it reminds me of a trip my hubby and I did around the Palm Island group in Australia (Queensland) on a yacht – so much fun messing around in boats 😉
    I just love those egg cups – you could use them to pop salt and pepper in maybe? They are making me feel like a soft boiled egg and soldiers – child hood memories!! Cheers, Jan x

    1. Oh wow, I so want to do a yacht trip and thanks for reading along. What a great idea for the egg cups. I have something in mind now for my next dinner party. Have a super weekend 🙂

  6. Love both your butler’s set and that pretty Chinese tea set, lovely colours!
    Sorry, commentluv is playing silly buggers, it doesn’t seem to like my In My Kitchen post. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong!

  7. I Love butler’s trays like that Tandy and love your Chinese tea set! I can’t wait to read more from your travels and thanks for this month’s kitchen view too!

    1. Hi Joanne, you can read my travel blog here: Hope you enjoy and thanks for the visit 🙂

  8. Love that butlers tray! The egg cups are also adorable, the colors are great. The tile looks lovely, can’t wait to see the finished kitchen.

  9. Tandy, those Le Creuset egg cups are absolutely gorgeous!!The Chinese tea set is very sweet too! Love the butler’s tray – I never knew what one was before seeing your photo! 🙂 xxx

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