Not Showcasing June 2017
June 2017 will be a month that South African’s don’t forget, especially those of us living in the Western Cape. In Gordons Bay the rain finally came, and with it really high winds that caused havoc. For the first time in my memory, schools were closed in anticipation of the storm. We finally got the much needed snow, and our dams are slowly filling up. The gale force winds created more havoc in the Eden District with Knysna experiencing the most horrific fires. Words cannot describe the devastation! It seems wrong to showcase what was new in my kitchen when people have lost everything. It is a case of everyone knowing someone whose house burnt down in Knysna and surrounds. Dave and I have friends who live there who thankfully have not lost their home.

But they did spend the night in their car with their children and animals while the fire raged. Sadly, people lost their lives. A family of three were burnt to death, trapped while trying to get into their car to flee their home. A young child and her mother, caught in the blaze did not survive. And a firefighter, doing his job against all odds died. The fire razed so many homes, not caring whether people were rich or poor. Mansions and shacks have burnt to the ground and people have lost everything. So this month, I won’t be linking up to the #IMK post with new things in my kitchen. I will be asking everyone who can to please send help in any way possible. For once, our terrible exchange rate can work in our favour. The link is to a UK Go Fund Me Page and for each £1.00 donated R16.00 will be paid into an account to assist those who most need it.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime July 5:
- 2012 – Beetroot Cake With A Cream Cheese Frosting
- 2011 – Tomato And Anchovy Pasta
- 2010 – Pasta With Meatballs
Oh no… that’s awful. My thoughts and prayers go to those who have been devastated by this fire storm. I know first hand just how scary and terrible a disaster like this is, and how traumatizing it is too. Please take care Tandy. Love from Australia.
Thank you Anna. I cannot imagine what you, or these people have gone through.
oh my Tandy. I see why you are not doing IMK this month. So sorry about this terrible disaster. June has been an awful month hasn’t it? Hope all is well with you and yours and that things improve. xx
We are blessed in that we have not been directly affected. Thanks for letting me link up xxx
It has been beautiful to see how we as a people have and are standing through all of this together.
Have a happy day.
🙂 Mandy xo
It is indeed!
Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear about what has been happening. It must be devastating for so many 🙁 Please take care Tandy!
thank you Lorraine xxx
This is so sad and terrifying. Thinking about all those affected 🙁
Thank you Sues 🙂
Those fires were to terrible, Tandy. We also know people who have houses in Knysna. I have already made donations through my bank and my boys schools. A wonderful post and I hope it inspires people to donate.
I hope so too Robbie!
How horrible Tandy, I am so sorry and completely understand. We have had our share in Northern California over the past couple of years, it is devastating for individuals and entire communities. So far, we have been spared but it could happen to any of us.
I pray it never happens to you Liz, or again here!
Hi Tandy, I am so sorry about the fires, so much devastation. Wish the best for everyone….
Thank you Cheri xx
My husband is from South Africa and we have been watching the fires on the news. It’s incredibly tragic. Thank you for providing the link for the Go Fund Me page. Take care of yourself!
Thank you Katherine 🙂
It is so horrible what happened and so nice of you to raise awareness with a link to take action and donate. I can’t even imagine how devastating it is for those families that have lost everything.
Miriam x
I cannot either Miriam xx
How tragic. My thoughts are with you all.
Thank you Tanya xx
So sorry to hear this news. Wild fires cause tragic changes in peoples’ lives and those not close to these events could never understand how devastating these effects are. There are those who lose their lives- tragic and sad. Those who lose all their possessions can never replace them- most homes are little shrines to family memories and keepsakes. Although the day to day ‘thing’ can be replaced, but not the mementos, photos, childrens’ milestones, family documents, certificates, family tree research, special books, and so on.
The loss of memories is the worst!
Thoughts and prayers for this tragic situation. In Australia, we also share these horrific events.
Your fires are awful. Strangely enough, it is the Australian trees we have planted here that make ours so bad.
Such tragic lost is difficult to recover from. Luckily with the age of the internet global donations are easier to come by and bring people together. Thanks for the link.
Thank you for reading the post Gretchen xox