Off To France And Germany

Off to France and Germany

Today, the 20th of April, Dave and I are heading to France to do a barge trip down the Midi Canal. We will be landing in Frankfurt tomorrow morning where we will have breakfast with my aunt and her mom. Tomorrow will be a sad day as it may be the last time I see my stepgran, who has formed a large part of my life and who is loved deeply.  After that we fly to Toulouse and I am going to attack the markets with glee. We are spending a week on the barge before flying back to Frankfurt to spend the weekend with my aunt and her husband in Reutlingen.

I wish you all a blessed rest of your Pesach (if you are Jewish), a blessed Easter (if you are Christian) and lovely long weekend breaks for all my South African readers. For those in Europe enjoy the bank holiday weekends 🙂

I won’t be reading blogs for the next two weeks and will catch up with all of you when I return to Gordons Bay on the 4th of May.

Lavender and Lime Signature

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0 thoughts on “Off To France And Germany

    1. It will be weird not popping in to each other’s blogs every day for two whole weeks – but I am going to have so many memories to share xxx

  1. Have a wonderful holiday, Tandy. We’ll all be here when you return. I hope you have a safe journey. Blessings…Mary

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