October 2017 Showcasing In My Kitchen

October 2017

What did October 2017 hold for you? Dave and I were lucky enough to travel overseas. That included visiting with family and friends, and experiencing a lot of whisky tasting. It also meant scheduling posts well in advance.

Bread Dough Slasher

I cannot lay claim to having come up with this idea myself. I discovered this method when I attended the Paul Hollywood function. It is so simple, so cheap, and so effective. Just be careful not to cut yourself on the extremely sharp edge of the razor blade. The correct term for this is a ‘lame’.

Bread Dough Slasher
Bread Dough Slasher
Salt Mine

My friend Erica gave me this for my birthday. It is made by Bakgat Pottery. Bakgat is South African slang and means great; good; fine or excellent. I have filled this salt mine with smoked salt.

Salt Mine
Salt Mine
Salty Flames

I interviewed Chanel Marais and Nick Perfect on my blog and from that Chanel contacted me about showcasing their Salty Flames products. They sent me a gift pack of the most amazing smoked products, including garlic, olive oil, salt and olives. I made good use of the products in my Smokey Halloumi Salad and we are devouring jars and jars of the olives. They have recently built a food truck and you can hire it out for events. Look out for their products at Healey’s.

Salty Flames
Salty Flames
School Recipe Book

My mom has been clearing out her desk and found my school recipe book. She sent it to me and my aim is to make all the recipes in it. So far I have made olive oil scones for International Scone Week 2017.

School Recipe Book October 2017
School Recipe Book
October 2017 FOMO Box

This month’s box offered way more value for money that last month. It was waiting for me when we got back from overseas. The pasta flour was perfect timing as I was just about to order some. I will be road testing the ravioli roller this weekend, and saving the prosecco for summer.

October 2017 FOMO Box
October 2017 FOMO Box

Once again I am linking up with Sherry to showcase what was new in my kitchen in October 2017.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October


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31 thoughts on “October 2017 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. You seem to have lots of new products to try. I wonder how many will be fun the first time, and how many will become regular return items on your pantry shelves! I would love to hear a follow-up post in the future.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. I love that beautiful salt pig! i have a couple of them that i rotate now and then. I usually have Maldon sea salt in it, but i also have another one with smoked salt. I loooove smoked foods. Lucky you getting all those smoked foods. thanks for joining in IMK again. cheers S x

  3. The whiskey tasting sounds like a lot of fun. My husband discovered whiskey for himself a few years ago and now we have accumulated a small selection at home 🙂

  4. Hi Tandy, happy November to you. We’ve been travelling much, too. That razor blade slasher is a good hack indeed… but having sliced open my thumb one time when my (then) husband left one of those amongst tissues thrown into the bathroom wastepaper basket (and I pressed down on them!), I’ll pass. Eek! When I had the kitchenware shop, salt pigs (as we call them here) were as scarce as the proverbial.

  5. Tandy, your school recipe book is a GEM! Very cool that you’re recreating recipes from it; can only imagine how much your present-day “IMK” experiences have enhanced your early flavor explorations, and how nice of your Mom to pass it on after rediscovering it! I also loved your salt mine(s) — salt pigs? — and “slashing” hack. Thanks much!

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