Alex Garden Restaurant, Strand

Alex Garden Restaurant, Strand is closed. I am leaving this blog post up for reference purposes only.

Situated a couple of blocks from the beach, this lovely restaurant is tucked away in Strand. It offers peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle and you need to go there expecting a long, slow evening. The same waitresses have been there since the beginning which ensures they know the menu well. Service is a bit slow, but the setting so beautiful one cannot help but want to stay and relax.

Alex Garden Restaurant
Alex Garden Restaurant

There were a limited number of wines on special, over and above the comprehensive wine list. There is a wide range of South African wines. We chose De Heuvel Pinotage at R109 per bottle. It was slightly warm – but given that the outside temperature at 19h30 was 32 deg C this was not surprising. A wine pourer was used which impressed me – and the wine bucket was not left on our table.

The menu changes seasonally and reflects the Belgium roots of the owner. After we had made our selection, bread rolls were brought to the table. There is a choice of 10 starters ranging from R44 – R64. I chose the sautéed squid (R54) and Dave chose the seared kudu carpaccio (R59).

Out of the 9 main courses to choose from (price range R98 – R139) I chose the pan fried blesbok (R129) and Dave had the chicken vol au vent (R109). Dave was full but I needed to test the chef, and so ordered a crème brûlée (R49). I had 5 desserts to choose from (R44 – R59 price range) and there were 3 I could have had without complaint!

Our dinner was great albeit the service being a bit slow. But, they were full and we were not at all unhappy with the amount of time the waitress did not spend lingering! The kitchen takes its time to get the  meals out, but they are freshly prepared and worth the wait.

Alex Garden Restaurant can be contacted on 021 854 6793 and is perfect for a romantic evening, date night, or even a small party.

Reply from Alex:

Dear Tandy,

indeed I already checked it on the eat out web page.
the chef was very happy with what you said about the dessert.
Thanks for your feedback.
It gives us the drive to do daily what is expected from us.
Please note that we are both in the new edition of EAT OUT and ROSSOUW`s RESTAURANT magazines.
Kind Regards and enjoy the end of year festivities,

Lavender and Lime Signature
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14 thoughts on “Alex Garden Restaurant, Strand

  1. This sounds like quite an awesome little spot ! Are those potato croquettes that i see on your plate? Belgians are usually great at these and chips etc. The creme brullee looks like it had a great consistency – nothing worse than a sloshy creme brullee. Thanks T – looking forward to receiving my parcel this week xxx

    1. it is a great spot. Yup, the potato croquettes were amazing! I could only manage 2 of them after that huge chunk of meat. The crème brûlée  was silky soft. xxx

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