For those of you who know me through the blog, you know I am a planner. So my posts are written a month in advance. This allows me to travel, and to take time off from blogging when work is a priority. But, I left my November 2020 IMK post until the US election results came in. I am not sure where you stand in support of Biden or Trump, but I was hoping for a Biden victory. I know my family feel the same, but I have a lot of friends who wanted to see another 4 years of Trump. Regardless, I am hoping that the transition will be smooth. And that America will come together as a country. Moving away from politics, here are some kitchen creations from November 2020 to share with you.
Baking as usual
I made cider bread as we had no beer in the house. South Africa had a booze ban and Dave forgot to buy before lockdown. For sweet treats there was millionaires shortbread and cinnamon biscuits. And on the savoury side I made lavroche.
Comfort food
Bowls of Asian chicken noodle soup were dished up, as well as corn fritters. I made a lot of them to perfect the recipe, and they have been given a big thumbs up.
To go with
I am always looking for new salad dressing recipes, and came up with a honey salad dressing that will be served a lot this summer. To use up some leftover fresh herbs, I made coriander mayonnaise. I made a batch of figs in red wine to top a ricotta pancake and used the rest as part of a poached fruit dessert when we had guests.
November 2020 recipe testing
As part of my recipe book reviews I tested a recipe for mint and pea carbonara, and one for chickpea and chorizo soup.
Preparing for an overseas trip
In September, when we still thought we were travelling, I bought a box of disposable surgical masks. Our Doctor recommended we take one per day of travelling and place each one into a bag. To make life easier I bought a pack of 15 resealable zip bags. They were the perfect size for the mask and would give each us one bag per day, plus an extra bag to hold a few spares. When I opened the package there were only 14 and I sent an email to Glad. They gladly replaced the missing bag with an extra lot of storage bags, as well as a pack of sandwich bags. A huge shout out to them and Jodi for following through.
CBD Infused Cookies
I was invited to attend the launch of the Medpresso products but due to a prior commitment, could not attend. Shivani sent me a box of the cookies to try out and Dave and I have treated ourselves to one a night. They are very moreish, and have a fantastic taste and texture. Some of the flavours include ginger molasses; rooibos matcha & white choc chip; lavender & honey; and turmeric & agave. They only contain 5mg of CBD so not sure if that will have any therapeutic effect? What I loved most about them is that they are made with good quality ingredients, ones I would use in my own baking. They also have a little blurb on the back telling you the benefits of each flavour. I would buy them again if they were sugar free,

This is my December submission to the #IMK series, hosted by Sherry. Each month bloggers around the world gather to share what is new in their kitchens. Pop on over to her blog to take a peek.
HI Tandy, Thank you! Just as interesting as ever. I don’t cook much these days as husband has taken over the reins now we’re retired, but you certainly alert my taste buds, so I might be tempted to invade HIS kitchen!. Have just finished my ninth book (still tweaking…) IF I find a willing publisher, it’s called
“Rebecca, & The Making of Lettuce Dombrowski.” (WW11 1939-1970s).:Take care. Hugs x
Good luck with finding a publisher!
I was rooting for a Biden win as well, and I hope the transition goes well. It was great to read about the wonderful customer service you got from glad, all companies should be like that. And how interesting that cookies are being made with CBD!
I am enjoying the cookies, and yes, Glad certainly set an example 🙂
These are some delicious recipes, thanks so much for sharing!
My pleasure Josiah 🙂
November looks to have been a very yummy month, wishing you an equally delicious December.
Thank you Amalia 🙂
If you write your posts a month in advance, then I assume the November photos are really from October, but they are still very nice, it’s just a little confusing to literal-minded me. Do those CBD cookies get you high like Alice B. Toklas brownies? Or is it some other type of medicinal effect?
be safe… mae at
The November photos are from November posts. I usually schedule my posts a month in advance. CBD does not make you high at all. It is the therapeutic part which is meant to help with all sorts of ailments. But I think you need larger doses than the cookies for that to have affect 🙂
a booze ban? oh the horror:) i think our government here knows that would never wash! I just can’t believe anyone would vote for Trump but clearly they did! looks like lots of great baking in your kitchen tandy. thanks for being an IMK stalwart this year as every year! happy festive season
And a happy festive season to you too! The booze ban has been put back in one area of South Africa where the figures are high. Better than going into lockdown 🙂
yes very true!
Oh, I look forward to the day we can all travel again. I look forward to January 20, 2021, when hopefully everything will be decided for certain and we have someone new in the White House. 🙂
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays to you too!
You have so many delectable goodies here! I had to take a blogging break and it did me good, but now I am happy to see what is going on across the globe in others’ kitchens.
I’ll have that cider bread with the Asian noodle soup for sure!
We voted Biden, as a matter of fact I changed my voter affication to voye for him. Can’t understand how folks don’t see Trump for the grifter he is. Sad. Let’s hope 2021 is better and healthier!
That is interesting to read you changed your voter affiliation 🙂
I’m with Sherry, up here for the most part, we’ll willingly follow the government suggested COVID plans. But, ban alcohol and we’d have a new government in days.
As Americans living abroad (we have dual citizenship), we fully supported Biden and are pleased he won. As for a smooth transition, unfortunately it just will not be.
It is unfortunate indeed!
I should take a lesson from you and plan in advance more! And I am hoping for better after the change in administration here!
We are hoping along with you 🙂
So organised you are to have little links to your recipes, love it! I am intrigued by the idea of the cider bread…
It worked out so well that I will make it again 🙂
Tandy, good to see you are still blogging. You started just a couple months after me in 2010, and here we still are! Must check out your cider bread and lavroche. I enjoy Sherry’s #InMyKitchen. Didn’t Celia used to do one?
Celia started it off in 2010 if I remember correctly 🙂
Tandy, I’ve always remained non-political on my blog and/or in my comments, but I must say in response to yours that i’m breathing a HUGE sigh of relief and praying for a smooth transition between now and Inauguration Day, too. Sorry to hear about your booze ban though — your cider bread looks great! It still boggles my mind that I can buy wine/beer in the grocery store now (law passed last year) and I feel blessed to buy it if/when I feel “safe” enough to shop there. No hard liquor though, unless I make a Saturday trip to our local libation station. (Oh well!), No lockdowns or mask mandates either, despite the rising numbers… sigh. Every day is a new adventure. Do the best you can with what you have, right? Mostly, I just stay home! I’m glad your “Glad” communication turned out well, too, xo. I’m still on the fence about CBD products. 🙂
I am on the fence as well about the CBD products. We have been able to buy wine and beer in our supermarkets for a long time now, and hopefully the total ban is not on the way back as our numbers are rising!
A good dressing, for salad , steamed veg or fish, is such a handy thing to know. You’ve reminded me to make and stash a few for the silly season ahead.
Yes, it would be nice to see the USA become United again, otherwise it may as well be called the DSA. There’s hope now.
Love the term DSA, just hope it does not catch on!