Plum Sauce | Perfect For Chicken Wings

As my friend Lorraine says, this recipe for plum sauce is a pushy one! You really have to make it. Dave has been slathering this onto our chicken and using it as a dipping sauce. Next time I have overripe plums I am going to make more.

Plum Sauce
Plum Sauce
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Plum Sauce ♥

What is the opposite of the saying “all my Christmases have come at once”? Whatever it is, that is how my month went. Every expense seemed to happen in one go. The first was our pool tiling project. We had put this off for as long as we could but it had to be done before summer. The tiles along which the deck slide open on needed replacing. This was really due to poor workmanship and this time Dave oversaw the builders. At the same time we replaced the tiles around the pool and the barbecue. I then had two major medical check ups which are not cheap. We do not have medical aid so these are paid for out of pocket. I plan for my medical expenses at the beginning of the year and have a savings fund as if I were paying medical aid to cover them.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Plum Sauce ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

To top it all, British Airways had a special that was frankly too good to resist. We are going to England next year and had already missed out on using our Avios to fly business class. The special was 50% less Avios than usual and so we have booked seats in economy class for the flight. As this is how we usually travel I am not complaining. The taxes however had to be paid in cash which added to my monthly expenses. Also a budgeted for item but still! Last but not least was a four day road trip Dave and I took. We used the money we had set aside for our car hire in Italy and went away. It was a great break and much needed. But despite having planned for all these expenses, it still felt like an expensive month.

Plum Sauce

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Plum Sauce

Use very ripe plums to make this super tasting sauce
Recipe Category: Sauces
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 6 plums, roughly chopped
  • 125 mls water
  • 60 mls dark soy sauce
  • 45 mls coconut sugar
  • 2.5 mls chilli flakes
  • 3 cm fresh root ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 star anise
  • 1 stick cinnamon, rolled in your hands to release the oils

for the chicken wings

  • 8 chicken wings
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to season


  • Place the plums into a medium size saucepan and add the water, soy sauce, sugar, chilli, ginger, star anise and cinnamon
  • Bring to the boil over a medium to high temperature, stirring until the sugar dissolves
  • Reduce the temperature and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring regularly
  • Remove the spices and use a stick blender to blend

for the chicken wings

  • Season the wings generously and cook on a hot barbecue for 20 minutes (or until done)
  • Remove from the heat and slather with the plum sauce
  • Serve some extra in a bowl to use as a dipping sauce

to store

  • Store any leftover plum sauce in a sterilized glass jar, in the fridge, until used up


See this post on how I sterilize my glass jars.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 4:

Do you budget for big expenses?

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14 thoughts on “Plum Sauce | Perfect For Chicken Wings

  1. This is we’ll time for me as we have about a million plumbs that will be ripe next week. Do you have a hospital plan?

    1. Plums from your own tree? Yes, we have a hospital plan. It’s been amazing in payouts so far, even though we haven’t needed it in 10 years (touch wood).

  2. Plum sauce is delicious.. A great recipe.. I made it once too.. I might still have some jars lying around.. 😉

  3. As it’s the beginning of winter here, we have no plums of any kind, unless they are being flown in from South America. So I can only feel hungry to see your delicious-sounding recipe!

    be safe… mae at

  4. I’d also be dipping my egg rolls in this sauce. I’ll have to wait for our next plum season, but we’ll give it a try. I’m a big planning expenses. I’m not fond of financial surprises.

  5. January is always my expensive month. Besides Christmas bills, all of the insurance is due and quite expensive. Now that all my kids are out of college January is a little cheaper but I’ll still feel it! I canned plum sauce a couple years ago. It was very good, but now I need more things to do with it!

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