Sunshine Award

The sunshine award: I am always humbled when I receive an award and even more so when it is from someone who has been following my blog ‘silently’. I try and follow back all the bloggers who comment on my blog, as I appreciate the time and effort that goes in to reading and commenting.

I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award by Daphne who blogs over at La Hacienda.

Sunshine Award

Now, I am a rule breaker so I am only listing here the rules I am following:

  • Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.
  • Answer the 10 questions about yourself.
  • Nominate other fabulous bloggers
  • Link your nominees to the post
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The questions I was asked to answer:

1 – Favorite color: lavender

2 – Favorite animal:  dogs 

3 – Favorite number: 13

4 – Favorite non-alcoholic drink: coffee

5 – Prefer Facebook or Twitter?  facebook

6 – My passion: my husband

7 – Prefer getting or giving presents:  giving

8 – Favorite pattern:  plain and simple

9 – Favorite day of the week:  Sunday because I can sleep late and because there is motorsport on TV to watch

10 – Favorite flower:  lavender

 As per usual, I am nominating the new additions to my blog roll:

Food and Family

Gourmet Wog

I Write What I Like

Profiteroles And Ponytails

Katya Kitchen

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What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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31 thoughts on “Sunshine Award

    1. I’m not sure really! Maybe a childhood dare about superstitions? And yes, I walk under ladders and step on cracks 🙂

  1. Thank YOU Tandy!! Did I tell you that I make oats porridge for my guests most mornings.. I soak it overnight and then slow cook it for an hour.. The best flavour is lavender!! I collected the flowers at the end of summer and put them in a jar and just sprinkle a few into the porridge!!! I got the idea from your blog 😉

  2. Congratulations Tandy on your award! You deserve many more 🙂 I just love your blog…. Thank you very much for nominating my blog, it´s a honor to accept it, Have a great week!

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