The Midnight Line, Lee Child

The Midnight Line opening line: Jack Reacher and Michelle Chang spent three days in Milwaukee.

The Midnight Line

My blurb:

Jack Reacher might have no fixed abode but he does have rules for living. Always take the first bus heading out of the depot, no matter where it is going. Always pay one night at a time for where you are sleeping. And always take your toothbrush when you leave. This time he takes the first bus in a direction he does not want to go in. But rules are rules. And he would have taken it to the end of the line had he not seen a West Point class ring in the window of the pawn shop. Some rules have to be broken when doing the right thing is more important.

The Midnight Line

Jack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a pawn shop in a small Midwestern town. In the window he sees a West Point class ring from 2005. It’s tiny. It’s a woman cadet’s graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher’s a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it.

Reacher tracks the ring back to its owner, step by step, down a criminal trail leading west. Like Big Foot come out of the forest, he arrives in the deserted wilds of Wyoming. All he wants is to find the woman. If she’s ok, he’ll walk away. If she’s not… he’ll stop at nothing. He’s still shaken by the recent horrors of Make Me,  and now The Midnight Line  sees him set on a raw and elemental quest for simple justice. Best advice: don’t get in his way.

My verdict:

It took me less than two days to read this book and had I not indulged in baking and watching television I could have finished it in one afternoon. Lee Child has the most amazing way with words that keeps you gripped to the book from page 1. Jack Reacher once again proves that honour comes first.

Publishing information:
ISBN 9780593078174
Format Trade Paperback
Published November 2017
Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Penguin Random House South Africa. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 10:

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10 thoughts on “The Midnight Line, Lee Child

  1. I’m embarrassed to say I have never read a Jack Reacher novel! Nothing stopping me, just haven’y got around to it. I’d say I’d enjoy them.

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