Venison | Something Savoury Challenge

Something Savoury Challenge: Venison

This week the challenge is to make something using venison. If you take part in the challenge, please link back to my blog, and let me know in the comments so that I can include you in the round up. We are extremely lucky in that the owner of one of our local supermarkets hunts game. He brings it back to his butcher and it is hung properly before being broken down and sold to the public. The game is really cheap in comparison to other meats and it is also very healthy for you. Dave and I eat a lot of game in winter and it is notable that it is low in fat and therefore low in cholesterol. We eat cuts of meat we would not normally be able to afford if our choice was beef or lamb. Lamb has become extremely expensive and some cuts of beef even more so. If I had more freezer space I would buy more game meat and stock up so that we could enjoy the meat over the summer months as well. In my freezer you will find sausages and chops.

Star Anise Dusted Venison With Red Grapes
Star Anise Dusted Venison With Red Grapes

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13 thoughts on “Venison | Something Savoury Challenge

  1. I doubt I will be able to do this one, with being away until Monday and lots of things on the calendar next week.
    Will try to do it next weekend.

  2. Pingback: Regional and Seasonal « Lavender and Lime

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