Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream

Timing is key when it comes to desserts. I did not quite get it right when serving this Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream as it was a tad too frozen. But with enough time out of the freezer it was perfect.

Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream
Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream ♥

A few weeks ago Dave and I went to The Daily in Gordons Bay for espressi and croissants. After finding out what we wanted, the waitress went to clear a table before processing our order. Several minutes later I could see the other waitress start with the preparation for our coffee. She poured two glasses of water and placed these onto wooden boards, together with a biscuit. We asked our waitress where the croissant was and we were told it was coming. More than 5 minutes later the espressi arrived and we finished them and the biscuits and still there was no sign of the croissant. We asked the other lady to please cancel our order and she went to let the manager / owner know. I could see the look of displeasure on her face and the first thing she did was look at her watch.

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She then walked into the kitchen and came to the table with the croissant on a plain white plate. She told us it had to be heated and 6 minutes was not too long a wait! Dave explained that we had asked for it several times and at no point were we told it was being heated up. We were not asked if we wanted it heated, and would have said no had we been asked. She was not well pleased and made it very clear. Dave asked for the bill and she stormed off. While she was in discussion with our waitress Dave took a R50 note out of his wallet. The manager came back, told him it was R36 and snatched the note and stormed off. At this stage I burst out laughing as that was the best reaction I could think of.

Chestnut Soufflé With Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream
Chestnut Soufflé With Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream

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Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream

The colour comes from the coconut sugar
Recipe Category: Dessert
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 250 g apple purée
  • 250 g crème fraîche
  • 100 g coconut sugar


  • Place the apple purée and crème fraîche into a jug and whisk to combine
  • Pour in the coconut sugar and mix in
  • Cover and place into the fridge for 30 minutes
  • Churn as per your ice cream machine manufacturer's' instructions
  • Place into a freezer proof container and freeze for 4 hours
  • Take out of the freezer 30 minutes before serving
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime June 28:

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17 thoughts on “Apple Crème Fraîche Ice Cream

  1. There nothing much worse than bad service in a restaurant. It’s really not hard to be a waiter, unless you’re so bad and people get frustrated with you! Then you react by being a really horrible waiter who hates everybody you’re supposed to wait on! Many people are rude, some without thinking. I was a waitress for two horrible years when I was 14. That’s when I knew I really had to go to college and do something with my life! In any case, I have made a creme fraiche ice cream, but the idea of adding an apple purée is brilliant. I even have something called boiled cider, that I could make myself, but they sell it in a bottle, and I use it often around thanksgiving, and with pork dishes. It might be too runny for the ice cream though. In any case, really brilliant!

  2. My kind of ice cream indeed. I always find it so incredibly annoying when the staff at a service oriented business is rude. Laughing at the situation is a brilliant reaction and one I’ll remember to do next I’m in a poor service situation.

  3. What a terrible restaurant experience. We just waited 45 minutes for breakfast to arrive (asking several times) on a recent trip. We were driving over 8 hours and adding the extra time did not feel good. We were told the waiter should have warned us the kitchen was backed up but that this was normal for them and no apology. Sigh–I think this is why I’m eating at home more.

    You ice cream sounds lovely and I think the coconut sugar color is beautiful for an apple ice cream–I always think of it as having golden tones from the cinnamon…

    1. That most certainly must have felt like a huge waste of time! On the road we usually eat in the car as I cannot stand waiting 🙂

  4. This ice cream recipe sounds really nice, Tandy. I have had a variety of restaurant experiences all over the world (except America) and I don’t think South Africa always measures up on service.

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