Apricot Ice Cream

It is always good to have your ego boosted by wonderful compliments. From when I started blogging, I looked at myself as offering great recipes that work. I have never looked at myself as taking good photographs. Because of this, I have not bothered to save any of my photos in a high resolution format. Once they have been uploaded to my blog I delete them. I could see no reason to keep them on my hard drive. But that has all changed. In January I was approached by an International Publisher asking if I would contribute a recipe to a magazine they are publishing in a series of magazines, this one specifically using sugar free recipes. They wanted one of my existing recipes but as I could not send them a high res photo, they could not use it. I offered to send them a recipe that was not yet published on my blog, and one that I had a high res photo of. And the recipe I sent them was this one for apricot ice cream. And the reply email was about how great the image was! This compliment was followed by one on my blog from a professional food photographer whom I rate very highly, given his work and reputation in the industry. This recipe for apricot ice cream came about when I had a punnet of very overripe apricots that needed using up. As it was the height of summer and we had visitors, it seemed like a great refreshing ice cream to make, and it is. The apricot flavour is quite distinct and I am sure you can use any stone fruit to make this recipe.

Apricot Ice Cream
Apricot Ice Cream
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Apricot Ice Cream

Recipe Category: Dessert
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 400 mls milk
  • 6 apricots, cut in half and pip removed
  • 5 pods cardamom, lightly crushed
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 80 g fructose
  • 100 mls cream


  • Place the milk, apricots and cardamom into a saucepan
  • Bring to blood temperature over a medium heat
  • Poach the apricots for 5 minutes
  • Whisk the egg yolks and the fructose together until you reach a ribbon stage
  • Sieve the milk onto the egg yolks and set the apricots aside
  • Whisk the milk into the egg yolks and return the mixture to your saucepan
  • Stir with a wooden spoon until a custard forms and remove from the heat
  • Remove the cardamom pods from the apricots and purée until smooth
  • Place the custard into a jug and stir in the apricot purée
  • Cool overnight and then churn in an ice cream churner as per the manufacturer’s instructions

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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45 thoughts on “Apricot Ice Cream

  1. Congratulations on your recipe! I’ve never even thought of – or heard about – apricot ice cream. Sounds delicious and I really need to start making ice cream with less sugar. Condensed milk is a wonderful time saver and so easy, but it’s packed full of sugar and I want to be able to control it. Absolutely love this picture and can see why you got such a wonderful compliment. 🙂

    1. Thanks Melanie 🙂 I need to find some sugar free condensed milk when we are overseas as that is the only way I can use it 🙂

  2. Nice story there, Tandy. Beautiful picture, ice cream, apricots…And how about that cardamon!? 🙂 ela

  3. It is inded a lovely recipe and a lovely shot! And are you talking about our lovely Roger? I always get a bit giggly and happy when he compliments a shot 🙂 He’s an amazing photographer.

    1. I am talking about Roger! He makes my heart sing when he leaves me a compliment. I would love to do his photography course when we are in London. But with the exchange rate of R18 to £1 it is way out of my budget 🙂

  4. This is a simply gorgeous photo, congrats on getting an acclaimed food photographer to compliment it 😀
    But I find the recipe even more enticing, I adore apricots so this is perfect!

    Choc Chip Uru

  5. Congratulations Tandy! I see why as this photo of your icecream is making me crave apricot icecream and I have never ever had that flavor before. I can wait for stone fruits to be in season.

  6. oh such lovely ice cream….we are drooling…since apricot season will be here sometime…we are awaiting it for making this treat,thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  7. Good for you, Tandy, well-done too,..yeahhhh. It is a stunning picture & very appetizing & inviting too. Yeahhhhh. A must make, for sure. Xxx

  8. Was doing some research this morning looking for recipes using apricots, I am going in a cooking comp later this month and that is one of the ingredients. 🙂 Came across your post, yep, defo using it. Thanks for sharing this delightful recipe, and congrats on being asked to share in a publication. Very exciting.

  9. Wow Tandy…congratulations! And yes, this apricot ice cream looks super refreshing…indeed awesome picture!

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