Asta La Pasta, Stellenbosch

One Saturday afternoon Bev sent me a message about going out for supper that night. Feeling like Italian, we decided Asta La Pasta would be a good place to try. They are situated in the heart of Stellenbosch, with private parking which is a plus.

Asta La Pasta

Asta La Pasta

This award winning pizzeria serves thin crust pizzas and generous portions of pasta. We ordered a Cheese Focaccia (R100) for the table to start. There was a perfect balance of mozzarella to garlic and red onion. The fine dusting of thyme made the slice I had perfectly tasty, and I stopped at one slice as I knew my pasta dish would be filling. I had tagliatelle pescatore (R190) which was delicious. The prawns were perfectly cooked in a white wine, garlic and chilli sauce.  I would have preferred the cherry tomatoes to be sliced smaller, but that is because I eat pasta traditionally, with just a fork. The chilli was quite strong, but not overpowering. However, there was far too much napoletana sauce. This observation is made as in Italy they make the pasta the hero and not the sauce, which is the way I prefer to eat.

Pasta At Asta

Our meal

Everyone ordered tagliatelle with their choice of sauce, and for the life of me I cannot remember who had what. However, we all cleaned our plates, and commented on how good the meal was. We enjoyed the dinner with a bottle of Kleine Zalze Chenin Blanc (R190) and Dave had an espresso after his meal. None of us had space for dessert. Service was excellent with good banter between the staff and Eric.

Contact them on +27 21 887 7300 – bookings are essential.

View the previous posts on September 28:

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8 thoughts on “Asta La Pasta, Stellenbosch

  1. Tagliatelle and seafood . . . you must have been smiling going home! Love both and oft have them together . . . And I cannot believe the cost of your wine – seeing it was ordered at restaurant prices !!! No way can I buy a decent bottle of wine so well from a bottle shop and since China is not buying ours at the moment we have a tragic over-supply !

    1. I can remember from my last visit to Perth that the wine in the shops there is expensive. Most places sell wine at reasonable prices, and our wine estates will sell off surplus at cheap prices which is great!

  2. Your descriptions of the food are delightful. I was ready to dive right in. Sounds like a lovely restaurant and a lovely evening out with friends. I am quite a fan of pasta and Italian restaurants.

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