Blueberry Meringues Made With Blueberry Powder

Meringues have always been my go to recipe. I decided to make blueberry meringues to go with my hibiscus mousse dessert. I piped little rosettes as well as my standard kisses.

Blueberry Meringues
Blueberry Meringues
Head straight on to the Recipe For Blueberry Meringues ♥

Last month I received an Audio CD of a novel. I have never used this method before and the entire experience was quite new to me. In order to listen to the book I decided to copy the tracks to my iPhone. This necessitated the use of iTunes. That in and of itself became a new learning experience. It took all 8 of the discs for me to get it right. I tend to do more than one thing at a time and did not pay enough attention to how it worked. I could only load one CD at a time and finally I worked it all out. The first step is to import the CD to iTunes. Then you eject the CD from the computer, or in my case, the external drive. After that plug your iPhone into your computer.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Blueberry Meringues ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

Once the synch is complete, select all the tracks and create a new playlist. Then ‘drag’ the playlist to your iPhone and leave it plugged in to synch once again. I used my headset and listened to a CD at a time when I went to gym. If I had not finished the chapters while training I carried on listening at home. The next day I would start by deleting the playlist from my iPhone and then move onto importing the CD. Now, you might be wondering why I am telling you the details of this step-by-step. Well, I doubt I will remember what I did and this is my own personal record of the process. Next time I get an audio book I shall refer to this post to make the loading of it onto my iPhone a little bit easier.

Blueberry Meringues

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Blueberry Meringues

The blueberry powder lends a great colour to the meringue
Recipe Category: Baking
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 2 egg whites
  • 100 g castor sugar
  • 10 mls blueberry powder


  • Preheat the oven to 110° Celsius
  • Place the egg whites into a stand mixer bowl and whisk to soft peaks
  • Add the sugar 2 tablespoons at a time, making sugar the sugar has dissolved between each addition
  • When glossy add the powder and whisk to combine
  • Place the meringue into a piping bag and pipe onto a lined baking tray
  • Bake for 70 minutes, then turn the oven off, leaving the meringues to cool in the oven
  • Store in an airtight container
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime February 26:

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15 thoughts on “Blueberry Meringues Made With Blueberry Powder

  1. This is interesting as it is my first time to find a blueberry meringues. I thought they are all just food coloring and no flavors at all. Would love to try this and I am so excited that this my favorite dessert has a lot of possibilities. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. i find that i’d rather read a book rather than listen to an audiobook. the few audiobooks i’ve listened to in the past have featured voices that i can’t stand, and it just takes so much longer to get through an audiobook versus a usual book. you might want to check out overdrive- then you don’t have to manually migrate the files (:

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