Chocolate Sorbet

Liam served his chocolate sorbet with a warm chocolate fondant. Using that for inspiration, I served mine with a chocolate stout pudding. His recipe calls for a small bunch of fresh mint in the ingredients list. But this did not show up in the method or in the photograph so I ignored it.

Chocolate Sorbet With Chocolate Stout Pudding
Chocolate Sorbet With Chocolate Stout Pudding
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Chocolate Sorbet ♥

In 1999 I was severely depressed due to a number of life changing factors. As I moved towards finding myself out of this I had to recognise behaviours that were not healthy for me. The one was my constant worrying about things in the future. Things that I had not control over. I taught myself to dismiss those thoughts as soon as they entered my head. And those life lessons have served me well during this pandemic. I have not once worried about things I cannot control. Don’t get me wrong, I am not blasé about the virus. In fact, I am probably overly cautious. But, after the initial three weeks of hard lockdown were up, we started visiting a friend. I have no regrets about that as he died a month later and at least we spent time with him before that.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Chocolate Sorbet ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

When we went back to work I was thrust into seeing people and dealing with customers as I was alone in the office. And soon after that we started having people at our house. First the hairdresser – it is all about priorities. And then Dave’s son started visiting. We extended that to family visits , and time with friends. And as soon as we could, I went out to eat. We have visited people in their homes and I have been OK with everything. Because I know I cannot change the outcome. I am wearing a mask when I have to, sanitising my hands more than usual. And staying as healthy as I can. I am not going to let this virus control my life. I am getting on with living!

Chocolate Sorbet
Chocolate Sorbet

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Chocolate Sorbet

This sorbet can be served on its own, or with a hot dessert
Recipe Category: Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 batch sorbet
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Tapas page 211


  • 400 mls water
  • 100 mls milk
  • 150 g fructose
  • 50 g glucose
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 100 g chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids), broken up


  • Place the water, milk, fructose, glucose and cocoa powder into a heavy bottom saucepan
  • Bring to the boil over a medium to high temperature and then stir for 2 minutes
  • Reduce the temperature to low and add the chocolate
  • Stir until the chocolate has melted them remove from the heat and leave to cool
  • Pass through a sieve and refrigerate until cold
  • Churn as per your ice cream machine manufacturer's' instructions until smooth and creamy
  • Pour into a freezer proof container and freeze for at least 12 hours
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October 21:

Do you worry about things you have no control over? Are you getting on with living as normally as possible while navigating your way through this pandemic?

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