Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato

Adapting a recipe from my Kitchen Aid book, I made this creamy lemon orange gelato.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

In my mind there are always two things I associate with Italy and that is espresso and gelato. Not a day goes by while we are in Italy without Dave and I stopping off a few times for a quick espresso. We stand at the counter in the coffee shop and place our order in Italian. Without us having to wait too long, our choice is placed in front of us. I prefer macchiato and so give mine a quick stir before drinking down the contents. Despite Italy being famous for coffee and coffee machines, no beans are grown there. Our afternoons are never complete without a gelato. Italy is just as famous for its wide choice of fantastically made ice creams as they are for their coffees. My favourites are hazelnut, chocolate and coffee! Dave does not like coffee ice cream so I tend never to make it at home.

coffee beans waiting for a special recipe
coffee beans waiting for a special recipe

Earlier this year I attended the launch of Foreign Ground single origin coffee. These coffees come from the finest coffee regions in the world. They are available at our local Checkers stores and retail for R50 (€5) per 250g bag. I was sent home with a bag of beans from Rwanda and during the tasting session I found these beans to result in a fruity coffee with a hint of pink peppercorn. I thought this would be a perfect bean for my gelato.

what is your favourite ice cream flavour?

Apricot Tart Tatin With Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato
Apricot Tart Tatin With Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato
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Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato

Recipe Category: Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 batch Gelato
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Kitchen Aid book page 11


  • 500 mls low fat milk
  • 4 strips orange peel
  • 4 strips lemon peel
  • 6 coffee beans
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 170 g fructose


  • In a medium size heavy bottomed saucepan bring the milk to blood temperature with the peel and the beans
  • Whisk the yolks and the fructose until ribbon stage
  • Pour half the milk gradually onto the eggs while whisking all the time
  • Add the mixture back to the milk
  • Reduce the heat and stir with a wooden spoon for 8 minutes
  • The custard will thicken slightly and you should be able to draw a path through the custard on the back of the spoon
  • Pass through a sieve into a jug and refrigerate until well chilled
  • Churn in your ice cream machine until the desired consistency
  • Pour into a freezer container and freeze for several hours

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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34 thoughts on “Creamy Lemon Orange Gelato

  1. Oh, how I miss coffee. I used to be hooked on it, until I realised that it seriously didn’t agree with me. But the aroma can still make me crave it! Lovely gelato, Tandy! 🙂

  2. A lovely ice-cream, tandy: looks very yummy too!
    My favourite ice-cream flavour of the moment is cashew, banana & carob ice cream: home-made of course!

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