Far Breton | A Story About This Traditional Dessert

My friend Jamie who blogs on over at Life’s a Feast did a post on Far Breton a few months ago and I told her that I too had a recipe. My far breton  has a story and a picture!

In 2008 Dave and I decided we would go to the Indianapolis 500. I went onto the airlines website, and as soon as I told Dave just how many hours we would be spending on an plane, he decided this was not an option. At the same time, a friend of ours was the chief mechanic at BAR so we decided to go to the Spanish Formula 1 race. But, as soon as we saw where the RCI resorts were and how much the tickets cost to watch the race (€185) we decided on another holiday. So, we went to explore Brittany. We stayed at an amazing B&B for our first three nights. Our hosts, Jean-Claude and Brigitte invited us for dinner on our last evening with them. We started with aperitifs and moved on to eating the bigournoux we had bought that day when choosing some wine to take to dinner. Jean-Claude explained that it was best to cook them when there was snow on the ground. You add them to boiling salted water and as soon as the water comes back to the boil, you take the entire pot outside and allow it to cool by placing it in the snow. We then had grilled oysters which was a first for Dave and I, and something I would repeat at home. Our dessert was Far Breton and after our meal, we went and had digestifs in the lounge. All in all, we had a great and memorable evening.

On our return Dave and Jean-Claude exchanged emails, using mostly a translation service, and one of the emails included the recipe for Far Breton:

This is our secret recipe. That is the reason why you have to protect it : if not, may be we’ll find far breton to sell everywhere in South-Afrika next time we fly to Cape Town ! What a pity ! Better to drink Spier wine …

The only South African wine we could find at the local supermarket was from Spier – and so we took a bottle (or two) with us for dinner. So, this is my story, and here is my picture, but sadly no recipe 🙂

Far Breton
Far Breton

Lavender and Lime Signature

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17 thoughts on “Far Breton | A Story About This Traditional Dessert

  1. Well I could share my recipe which came from a Breton as well! 🙂 Wonderful story and funny how you started to go to a race and ended up in Brittany! And love the recipe for bigorneaux! I have to tell my husband that! And yum grilled oysters! Did they not feed you raw clams? Our friends say it is the only way Bretons eat them! Fun post, Tandy!

    1. It was a great post to write as I am trying to get my story telling skills honed! We did not eat raw clams – something to try on our next visit. Have a lovely day Jamie 🙂

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