February 2023 Showcasing In My Kitchen

I woke up this morning and realised February 2023 was done and dusted. And I had not even scheduled, or typed up my #IMK post. That really is not like me at all. But with continuous rolling blackouts which are affecting us at work, I am well behind in a lot of things. Nonetheless, we had a great month with lots of family and friends time.

February 2023 Savoury Recipes

I made a batch of taramasalata with roe I had brought back from England. We get very good locally made tarama, but nothing beats homemade in my opinion. And now that I can get roe here I will be making my own in future. A delectable brie and tomato pasta was served a few times as this recipe is really good. And after Pauline mentioned cold oven baking I worked on a recipe for cold oven sourdough bread. The method is worth trying in my opinion.

And on the sweet side

For a blog post on pasteis de natas that I contributed to, I made sourdough puff pastry in order to make one large Portuguese custard tart. The pastry was a hit but I forgot to create a dry layer for the custard and so the middle didn’t cook well enough. However, that didn’t stop us from eating the tart. My rose water cake was well received by all who tasted it, with only great feedback. And the sourdough blueberry muffins were devoured within days. The cranberry semifreddo has been enjoyed by Hannah on numerous occasions. When we joined her she loved the cranberries. But the last scoop had her fishing them out. You never can tell with a four year old.

Something new in my kitchen

Some of you might know that most of my family live in Australia? My parents went over in December to see everyone, but especially their grandchildren. I asked my sister to please get me a roll of the Glad Go Between which we don’t get here. This still needs to be used when I make something that needs to be layered before freezing. I have also not opened the Murray River Salt that my mom brought back for me. I am busy working on emptying one of my salt pigs so that I can use this amazing salt.

February 2023

This is my March submission to the #IMK series hosted by Sherry. Each month bloggers around the world gather to share what is new in their kitchens.

View the previous posts on March 1:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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16 thoughts on “February 2023 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. thanks for joining in Tandy. Good on you for putting up a post so quickly 🙂 Yes that pink salt is great isn’t it? I’m not sure I knew your family were here in Aus! Lots of wonderful baking has been happening in your kitchen. I love rosewater as a flavouring, and even lavender and violet. I guess i love the floral tones. Yes that freezer liner is fabulous! So handy. have a great month. sherry x

    1. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your post this morning and realized I had not done mine! First time ever the time difference has worked in my favour. My mom comes from a large family and 4 of her sisters live(d) in Sydney, as well as her father and stepmother, and all the grandchildren (and now great grandchildren). My sister was in Sydney for 7 years and everyone was within a 5km radius of each other 🙂

  2. Have to smile a little – here I am, living and cooking in Australia and I have not had either of your Down Under products in my kitchen . . . Partly because I very rarely bake and, besides the salt in Asian sauces hardly use salt either 🙂 !

  3. I’ve never tried the cold oven sourdough method… since the early days I’ve preheated the oven and Dutch oven to max before putting the dough in, cos you know, isn’t the yeast supposed to hit maximum heat and then blow up? So now that you have vouched for the recipe I have to give it a try 🙂 Let you know next month!!

  4. Your sourdough method sounds quite interesting. We use a closed Dutch Oven but preheat it to a high temperature before the closed-lid part of baking. Then open for a while to crisp the crust, as you did.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

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