Flambé Strawberries

With fresh strawberries so close, alcohol always to hand and a great gas burner, I could not resist making Flambé Strawberries. When we moved to the Helderberg I noticed with joy the strawberry fields so close to our doorstep. Most of these farms are owned by one family, and they produce the lovely assortment of strawberries we can pick fresh or purchase from our local supermarkets and markets. Not to be outdone by the farms, I have planted my own strawberry fields. However, I am not that disciplined in picking them and my tortoise finds her way there first. I started with 20 cuttings and they have spread themselves alongside my herbs and offer pretty red jewels throughout the summer months. We have had the most bountiful strawberry season and so I have had plenty of opportunities to make different desserts. This one is easy and the hardest part of making this is cutting the strawberries in half.

Flambé Strawberries
Flambé Strawberries

all you need to do is put the strawberries in pan, add a tablespoon of brandy or calvados to a ladle, warm the ladle over a gas burner and then light it. Add the lit alcohol to the strawberries and remove from the pan when the flames go out.

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17 thoughts on “Flambé Strawberries

  1. I just love some alcohol over my strawberries …. it’s the only way!! You must have one very happy little tortoise. Have an awesome day – love this idea xxxxx jan

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