Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche Answers Questions

If you are a regular reader to my blog you will have come across Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche a few times. I first met her at the launch of Cape Winelands Cuisine and loved listening to her talk at the first ever Eat Out Conference. I have tested a few recipes from the book and I can tell you that she has an absolute passion for authentic Cape produce.

Interview With Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche
Cape Winelands Cuisine

Who has been the most influential person in your life?
My husband – he is my soundboard, my inspiration and without his support I would not be able to have followed my dreams.

What started you on the path of cooking?
My earliest memories (before I went to school) mostly involve food and me playing and busy in the kitchen. I always had a very strong urge to cook and be creative in the kitchen.

Which three ingredients could you not live without?
Tomatoes, quality salt and cheese

Which of your kitchen tools would you take with you anywhere and everywhere?
My knife – it is the first thing I pack when I go on holiday

Do you have any pet peeves in the kitchen?
Not really, though I dislike dishonesty in general.

Which meal is your all time favourite?
A good meal always involves good company and wine and although I had been privileged to eat in many a top restaurant, a simple meal in modest surroundings can be just as memorable. My most recent favourite was over December at Madre’s Kitchen in Stanford. Waterblommetjie and Anchovy risotto with a good bottle of white wine……I still savour the taste of that risotto.

Which restaurant could you visit over and over again?
Pierneef a La Motte

If you could only have one recipe book, which one would it be?
Bartolomeo Scappi, because he is to cooking what Michelangelo is to the fine arts. Published in 1570 in Italian, the beautiful illustrations, comprehensiveness and elegance of text and detail descriptions of recipes and the art of good living keep me fascinated.

If you could work alongside one chef for a day who would that be?
In South Africa, too many wonderful chefs to choose one only, internationally Elena Arzak

Which ingredient will you not eat or cook with?
Endangered produce

What is on top of your bucket list?
To learn to throw clay on a wheel

What is your food philosophy?
Simplicity. I try to think what I can omit on the plate, rather than add.

What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature
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