Basil Shortbread

I can remember as a child making shortbread for my dad. Somehow, I seem to think he loved eating shortbread and so I decided to make it for him. I have no idea where I got the recipe from, but it looked and tasted like the boxed shortbread we bought at the shops. It has been many years since I made shortbread for my dad and I should check with him if it is still his favourite tea time snack. In December I received a gift of a book to chronicle my kitchen adventures from Yuppiechef. While I am sitting watching TV an idea will pop into my head about a recipe I want to make, and now I can write it down straight away.

Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Basil Shortbread ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X

To me, basil and strawberries are a taste sensation match, and as soon as I had made my strawberry sherbet I decided to make some basil shortbread to go with them. I chose to adapt the recipe from James Martin’s The Collection but as you can see here from my review of James’s Desserts I had to adjust the baking temperature and time. Often when using fructose I have to make some changes to the heat I use, as fructose burning point is lower than that of sugar. These shortbread had a lovely lingering taste of basil, and they have kept very well in an airtight container.

did you ever make something special for your father when you were a child?

Strawberry Sherbet With Basil Shortbread
Strawberry Sherbet With Basil Shortbread
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Basil Shortbread

Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 batch shortbread
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from James Martin The Collection Page 348


  • 225 g butter
  • 225 g flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 60 g fructose, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 Pinch of salt
  • 5 mls vanilla extract
  • 4 g fresh basil leaves, cut into ribbons


  • Place all of the ingredients into a food processor and process until they form a ball of dough
  • Dust your worktop with flour and roll the dough out until it is 5mm thick
  • Prick all over with a fork and then cut into rectangles, 5cm x 2.5cm, using a sharp knife
  • Place onto a lined baking tray and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes
  • Preheat the oven to 160° Celsius
  • Dust with caster sugar – do not do this if you are using fructose as they will be too dark
  • Bake for 16 minutes
  • Cool completely before removing from the tray

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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47 thoughts on “Basil Shortbread

  1. I just love Shortbread and tea! It’s one of the very few occassion when I drink a cup of normal teal. I have been using fructose in my cooking of late and must admit that it’s just as good as sugar! Lovely recipe Tandy xxx Have a great day xxx jan

  2. Lovely recipe Tandy. I love how it can be broken down into ratio’s and extrapolated for a bigger batch 😉 xx

  3. I like the idea of using basil in shortbread, especially after trying Colleen’s bay and citrus shortbread recipe at Christmas time. I’ll have to try this one soon, even if it is ages till strawberry season comes round again.

  4. Love the story behind this post – I have a rosemary & thyme shortbread I’ve been making for Christmas for a few years now – I love the herb & cookie combo! I always made my dad rhubarb desserts growing up as he loves it (do you have rhubarb in SA?)

    1. Your shortbread sounds amazing! I have not been able to find rhubarb where we live, but I know that my parents can get it. They live in a big city which means they have access to a lot more fresh produce than we do here 🙂

  5. Hi Tandy, I love te look of these shortbread and the addition of basil is right up my street. I’m trying to think up some strawberry creation to go with it as they are such a good match like tomatoes.

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