Last Man Standing, Stephen Leather

Last Man Standing opening line:  Matt Standing was lying on his bunk listening to an Arabic language lesson through earphones when a Navy SEAL pulled back the flap of his tent and called his name.

Last Man Standing

My blurb:

Matt Standing is asked to help a friend. This former Navy SEAL has been accused of killing the person he was tasked to protect. And the person accusing him was the only one left standing amongst a group of body guards. Matt knows his friend would not miss, so was he in a rush, or has he been framed?

Last Man Standing

Friendships forged in the heat of combat can be stronger than anything.

So when SAS trooper Matt Standing is told that the former Navy SEAL who saved his life is in trouble, he doesn’t hesitate to go to his aid – even if that means flying half way around the world to Los Angeles.

Navy SEAL-turned-bodyguard Bobby-Ray Barnes has been accused of killing the man he was supposed to be protecting. Three other bodyguards were also killed and now Bobby-Ray is on the run.

The dead client was a Russian oligarch with connections to the Kremlin. But who wanted him dead? And if Bobby-Ray wasn’t the killer, who carried out the assassination and why is Bobby-Ray being framed? Standing is the only man who can answer those questions – providing he can stay alive long enough. For that he’ll need the help of an old SAS friend, Dan ‘Spider’ Shepherd, and a ruthless network of secret service operatives.

My verdict:

This is the type of book I love to read. And Stephen Leather is an author whose writing I enjoy. I did not want to put the book down, but Dave convinced me to leave the last chapter for when we were reading last thing at night.

edit needed:  He rolled to the sidee and hit one of the sofas. He rolled to the side and hit on of the sofas. Page 195

Publishing information:

ISBN 9781473671867

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Jonathan Ball Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime May 19:

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