Lockdown took on a lot of different meanings around the world. Knowing that it was out of my control, I chose to look at it with a positive attitude.

Hard Lockdown
Our initial hard lockdown was meant to run for three weeks starting from the 27th of March. With only four trading days that week, many of our customers cancelled their orders. I budgeted as carefully as I could, knowing we would return to work mid April. However, this did not happen as our hard lockdown was extended for a further two weeks. Despite being able to go back to work a week before that period ended, we did not do much in the way of sales. I knew that even more strenuous budgeting would have to come into play for the month of May.
The knock on effect
Even if hairdressing salons and beauticians had been allowed to trade after the initial five weeks, I would not have been able to afford the luxury. And this is where the knock on effect is going to come into play. I cannot justify paying for a treatment if I do not have the disposable income. But, that means my beautician will not earn anything from me until my situation recovers. And by the time she can get back to work her financial position could be dire. So, the people she employs could be out of a job. And having to pay rent on premises while one is not working could mean that some people find themselves without a place to work from at the end of this.
One of the worst affected industries will be the tourism industry. Many people here are self employed; being owners of guest houses and bed & breakfast establishments. With travel slowly resuming one can expect many people to be without an income for a long time. And many small tour operators will go out of business as the financial aid made available to them will not be enough. I can foresee many people losing all they have worked for as their debt will be too high to service.
We love eating out, but it is a treat and not the norm. Another knock on effect for us personally is going to be when we next dine at a restaurant. They have only recently opened for sit-down trade but even getting a takeaway is not going to happen in our near future. Many restaurants operating on the brink of disaster will have been pushed over the edge from the lockdown. Despite being allowed to open, we currently have a curfew which means night trade will be affected. And alcohol cannot be sold which will also effect the bottom line.
Was it worth it?
This is the hardest question to answer. For many people, their lives were not affected by lockdown. Computer programmers, accountants and people who could work from home continued as usual. For those who are still not at work because their industry is not yet considered essential, their lives have been affected. Some may never recover financially. We are going to see more and more people unemployed and in need of financial assistance There will be more people who declare bankruptcy. But, our healthcare system could not take a full onslaught and we needed the time to equip our hospitals. It was a case of saving the lives of many at the expense of jobs and income. And in that case, saving the life of one person saves the entire world has to apply in my opinion.
I am blessed
Blessing come in many forms. I am blessed that I have a roof over my head, food on my table and all that I needed to get through this initial phase of lockdown. Gratitude remains my contant mantra. I am grateful for my good health and the fact that I can work. Life will never go back to how we knew it. And all over the world people have been facing this pandemic in different ways. I have so much to look forward to and I am keeping my positive attitude. Life is good and I hope you feel blessed!
View the previous posts on July 22:
- 2019 – Potato Soup
- 2018 – Two Little Girls
- 2015 – Frans Groenewald Answers Questions For The Blog
- 2011 – Prawns With Oak Smoked Red Bell Pepper
- 2010 – Vegetarian Pasta Sauce
To a life well lived in 2020!
I certainly do feel blessed Tandy. We are so lucky to be in Queensland, but hoping like mad that a second wave doesn’t come here.
It seems Australia has not had the virus and the impact of it as bad as other countries.
Gratitude works for me too.. If my mind hangs to the negative I push it away with gratitude..
Such a good habit!
Very well written Tandy. We are also blessed here, as we’ve not had the suffering some have had around the world. I think no matter how hard it seems, we must strive to look on the bright and positive side and help all those we can. Take care down your way.
It is amazing how some countries have had really low figures, and others not.
A great attitude, Tandy, and one I share! Here in Spain, the police were strict and – after the terrible outbreak in Madrid, during which one daughter-in-law’s elderly, sick, father died,RIP, – it was even stricter and our province had few cases. Recently,.since lock-down was eased and more people are flying in, we have had a few more cases and everyone is, again, vigilant. We have to be positive and hopeful. It’s the only way! Take good care. x
Sorry to hear of your loss. Stay safe 🙂
A thoughtful and kind post, Tandy. <3
Thank you Jane 🙂
Good post. Like you, I don’t worry about things when worrying doesn’t help the outcome. And as retired folks, our lives didn’t change much, fortunately. But darn it, I hope it ends soon for everyone’s sake.
This cannot come to an end soon enough 🙂
you describe the ripple effect of the lockdown quite well; I feel for the people who have been so negatively affected by the pandemic and the lockdown.
Like you, we feel gratitude that we have been able to stay healthy.
And we hope that the recovery will start soon…
I hope so too!
In the US the premature opening has amplified the economic effects that you listed even more than it appears they would have happened if lockdown had been continued, and if the disease had been under control. Our short-sighted reaction has caused the effects to snowball (I think) more than the impact in other countries. Because health care is mainly funded by employer-paid insurance, something over 5 million people here lost coverage when they lost their jobs. Hospitals that are needed now more than ever are laying off workers because they have lost money that would have been coming in from either virus victims (now without resources) or from people having elective procedures (opting out because of fear or because of money).
You are so right about being grateful!
be well… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Mae, that has really opened my eyes to healthcare in America. Is this something you could blog about in more depth? We have free hospital care here, which may not be the greatest. But at least people can have access to hospitals if they need assistance.
It is a gift to look for the positive in a bad situation, good for you. I feel blessed as well, so many are out of work around here and I’ve been working throughout.
That is wonderful to hear Amalia!
What you have said here is true, Tandy, and was completely obvious to me before we even went into lockdown. Probably because of my background as an accountant, I knew exactly what was coming and I also know we are at the beginning of this misery. It is not true that professionals have not been impacted though. Most professionals have taken salary cuts of between 20% and 40%, including my husband. I was already on 80% pay as I am supposed to work a 6 hour day. I have been working between 8 and 10 hours days for months. It is hard for everyone and I also know a large number of people who are immigrating. It will take at least 5 years for SA to recover and that is assuming good policies that encourage investment are implemented.
How do you manage to do everything if you are working so many hours? We can only hope things improve world wide.