Joseph Joseph Chopping Boards

I recently participated in the YuppieChef Community Cookathon and as a thank you I was sent this amazing Joseph Joseph Index Plus Chopping Boards with Knives.

It found a home straight away on the bottom shelf of the butcher’s block I designed which is half way complete 🙂 And I had to use it straight away. I was not 100% sure about the knives as I am addicted to my Wusthof knives, but I made sure I used each and every one. The knives are light and easy to use and very comfortable. As with any knife, the trick is to keep it sharp. Dave is now even asking for the boards – white for cooked items, red for raw meat and chicken, blue for raw seafood and green for veggies. They are firm and a good size for every day cutting and prepping. They fit into the top shelf of my dishwasher which is great. I really believe in the importance of not cross contaminating and so will always wash my hands after cutting one thing, before moving on to the next. I even have an automatic soap dispenser and smart bin so that my hands don’t touch anything. This is very important with raw chicken and as one should not cut anything with the same knife after cutting chicken, or use the tongs that have touched raw chicken I am well pleased that the one board can go straight into the sink after cutting my chicken, and I have three more to choose from. They will mark when you cut into them but do not let that stop you using these fantastic boards. They slot amazingly well into the holder and will make a great addition to any kitchen.


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