I could visit Italy over and over again. But as that is not always possible, I have to bring Italy to me. The beautiful truffles from the Umbria region had to be consumed within three days of opening them and so a truffle pasta dish was in order. This Tandy Tuesday meal is for a special evening.

EDIT:I could cringe when I see these old photographs of mine. And I know that the ones I do now are not at all professional. But they are done with better lighting, and more care. And of course with a better camera. But despite that, the recipe is so good.
Truffle Pasta
- 200 g pasta of your choice
- 125 g smooth cream cheese
- 15 mls white truffle oil
- 30 mls cream
- 1 truffle, thinly sliced
- 50 g Parmesan cheese, grated
- 1 small bunch parsley, finely chopped
- start by getting your pasta on the go
- melt the cream cheese in a large frying pan
- add the truffle oil and the cream
- you may need to loosen the sauce with some of the pasta water
- toss in the truffles, setting some aside for garnishing
- add the pasta, Parmesan and and parsley
- mix to coat well
- garnish with the left over truffles
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Truffles are a treat and for many people, very expensive. My feeling is that for home, you can buy the cheap ones. They don’t have the overwhelming smell that fresh, expensive ones do. But they added a certain earthiness to a recipe. Keep in mind that truffle oil is very strong. And many have never seen a truffle. They just have the essence added – a sense and smell of real truffles. The white truffle oil I buy is extra virgin olive oil with a few shavings of white truffles added.