October 2018 Showcasing In My Kitchen

October 2018 had to have been one of the busiest month’s of the year so far. And when I get to next month I will be sure to say November was busier. We got back from an amazing trip to Sicily and Italy and then it was full tilt. Socializing, eating out for Dave’s birthday and cooking. We went away for motor racing and stopped on the way back. First in Knysna to see my 99-year-old mother-in-law. And then in Swellendam for the night. Be sure to pop back in to read more about that.

Vacuum Sealer

Some of you might remember the Severin machine I had? The first one came to me with a clip that would not engage. And the second one lasted for a while. Until the clip eventually gave way. I was sent a replacement one, with a clip that would not engage. And before the story could go on in circles I sent it back and was refunded. I bought a new one from our local supermarket. It works like a charm. I road tested it by placing 8 chicken wings into a bag with marinade. I then sealed the bag and froze it. And then vacuum sealed it. Not only did this work perfectly, the bags are readily available in rolls.

Vacuum Sealer
Vacuum Sealer
Calabrian Chillies

On our previous visit to the South of Italy Dave and I bought a string of Calabrian chillies. The first thing we did after crossing the Straits of Messina was to look for a stand selling them. We found one selling not only these chillies, but fresh fruit and vegetables galore. We spent a fair bit of money and it was all well worth it. Some of these have come home with us.

Calabrian Chillies
Calabrian Chillies
Tea Cannister

Given how expensive these Le Creuset Cannister’s are, I have to budget to buy them, I have selected this blue one for Ceylon tea, to match the black one I got for our coffee. I selected black for the coffee as that is how we drink it. I chose this colour only because it appealed to me in the tone variation.

Tea Cannister
Tea Cannister
Liquid Glucose

I use so little of the liquid glucose and used to buy it from our local chemist. It was cheap and easy to find. When I ran out I did not think it would become a mission to find it. I went to at least 6 different pharmacies to locate this. One told me they could order in 500g – at over R100! I knew this did not sound right and sent my mom a message asking her to look for some in Johannesburg. Being a larger city I thought she would find it easily. She told me our local baking shop would stock it. I had to search for it in the store and was most grateful to find it. This 1kg container cost under R80 so a bargain.

Liquid Glucose October 2018
Liquid Glucose
October 2018 FOMO Box

The October 2018 food on monthly order  box was full of good surprises this month. I replaced my pestle and mortar with this one. My old one was ceramic and not worthy of display. Whereas I really don’t like a clutter on my worktops, some things are perfect for being left out. The cashews and cranberries came with us to the racing and the quinoa will be used up as we eat so much of it. I cook with olive oil every night so we can never have too much.

October 2018 FOMO Box
October 2018 FOMO Box
This post is part of the #IMK series, hosted by Sherry. Pop on over to see who else has showcased what is new in their kitchens this month.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime November 7:

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21 thoughts on “October 2018 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. Hi tandy
    Thanks for joining in IMK again this month. Love the attractive canister tho these days i use square plastic BPA free versions. Im amazed you can bring back dried chillies 🌶 with you. No way you can bring stuff like that into Australia 🇦🇺. Have a great month. Xx

    1. I’m sure we are not meant to but I always do. The worst is that they confiscate it. Not like Australia where they will fine you.

  2. Those Calabrian chilies look so vivid and hot. I’ve never used liquid glucose, but then I’m not a baker. What/how does one use it?

  3. We have a food sealer too and love it. When we buy too much we can vac seal it and it goes in the freezer. Ohm Le Creuset is a favorite with me, so expensive though but I love it.

  4. You have quite the collection of Le Creuset now Tandy. Who’d have thought that glucose would become ‘trendy’ and have the matching price tag after being a basic commodity for long?

  5. That string of chillis looks so pretty – I am sure it must look great in your kitchen. And I am surprised to hear liquid glucose is hard to come by – we buy it in the supermarket. I have only bought it for the first time recently and still getting my head around what to use it for – so far fudge and honeycomb.

    1. Ah, I have not yet tried fudge with liquid glucose! I am working on an ice cream recipe with glucose and will share when I have perfected it 🙂

  6. Tandy, what a delight it must have been to travel, visit your 99-year-old mother in law (!), celebrate Dave’s birthday, return home with goodies in tow, and find a replacement for your vacuum sealer. (I’m sure I left something out, lol.) No wonder you felt so busy! Some months — truthfully, minutes — are “light speed” at the lake, too, but the blessing is being able to recognize the JOY and wonder in every moment. You DO! I’ve only yet begun to experience the vast variety of chillies available here in the Southwest U.S. (and imports from nearby) with a few cookbooks on “standby” to try them all! Your Calabrian peppers look marvelous. So glad you enjoyed yourself there and at home, xo.

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