I used my own method to make the spinach egg dough from The Pasta Man. It was wonderful to work with and I really enjoyed using it for patterned pastas.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Spinach Egg Dough ♥
If you have ever been to hospital you will know there are standard questions asked of you. I recently accompanied someone to the Emergency Department. When the intake nurse saw us she asked whether the person was on chronic medication, and whether they were allergic to anything. These two questions were repeated by the Doctor. And again by the anaesthetist. But at no stage did anyone ask if they took anything else. The reason I noticed this is that Arnica is something a surgeon would need to know you had taken. Anything that thins the blood can cause excessive bleeding during surgery. A friend told me that an over the counter sleeping aid she had taken caused her to bleed profusely in theatre. She never thought to tell anyone she had taken this innocuous tablet, and no-one asked her if she took any alternative medication.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Spinach Egg Dough ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
Luckily, the person I was with takes absolutely nothing. I however, am the total opposite. On my list are quite a few supplements as well as some medication. I am not sure if in a state of shock I would be able to remember everything? Maybe it would be a good idea to make a list of what one takes. So if you are ever in an emergency situation where that information needs to be relayed it can just be read out. I have an iPhone so I went into my Health App and added all of this to my Medical ID profile. That is set to be available on the lock screen in an emergency. Hopefully it is never needed, but one can never be too cautious. Have you ever ended up in the Emergency Department? If so, what was your experience like?

Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Spinach Egg Dough
- 150 g baby spinach leaves
- 1 egg
- 250 g 00 flour
- 1 egg yolk
- 15 mls olive oil
- Place the spinach leaves into a colander and wash
- Shake the excess water off the leaves and then place into a non stick frying pan
- Place over a medium to high temperature and cook until the spinach has wilted
- Place the spinach back into the colander and rinse under cold water
- When cool enough to handle, squeeze out the excess water
- Place the spinach and egg into a blender and blitz until smooth (your yield should be 100g)
- Place the spinach, flour, egg yolk and oil into a stand mixer bowl
- Use a dough hook to combine until a dough forms then knead for 10 minutes
- Bring the dough together by hand before tipping out onto a piece of cling film
- Flatten into a disc and cover tightly
- Place into the fridge for at least 30 minutes, or overnight if you have time
- Roll out and use as needed
Take a look at what was previously posted on Lavender and Lime on April 29:
- 2020: Bosh Healthy Vegan
- 2019: Orange Curd Ice Cream
- 2018: The Chalk Man
- 2015: Sense Of Taste
- 2013: Rye Crispbread | Knackerbröd
Your instructions don’t seem to explain how to get the striped effect that is so dramatic in the photo. Wouldn’t your recipe simply produce green pasta? I don’t understand.
best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Hi Mae, I have reread the recipe twice to make sure that the striped effect is clear in the recipe. I have tried to see what is not clear and have added a few words to make it clearer. Can you please reread the part about making the striped pasta and let me know if it makes more sense now, and that you understand how to get the effect?
This looks amazing Tandy. Definitely something to try when I need inspiration.
Thank you Pauline 🙂
I was in the emergency room for a kidney stone about 5 years ago. I can’t remember what they asked I was in so much pain, so I guess a pre-made list seems like a good idea! Your pasta is so beautiful–trying to make pasta has been on my list for so long!
I know that pain! Only serious drugs work to make it go away.