This Time Could Be Different, Khristin Wierman

This Time Could Be Different opening lines: “How did this get here, Rob?” The earring that Madeline had lost months ago trembled in her outstretched hand.

This Time Could Be Different

My blurb:

Madeline has her dream job. She is an important cog in the wheel at the bank. And as a senior executive, a lot is expected of her. She will work late, and over weekends, but when she is asked to report to a junior employee she finally says no. And her fiancé has been waiting for this day to come for a long time. Because maybe now, Madeline will concentrate on their wedding, rather on her work. And Madeline embraces organising it, even if she feels that she has failed in every aspect of her life by not working. Will she be able to overcome her lack of self worth?

This Time Could Be Different

Madeline is a compulsive overachiever, which is why at forty-nine years old, she is the senior vice president of a prominent bank. This bleeds into every aspect of her life, from her skincare routine to her devotion to being always available. She works with her best friend, Emma, who is juggling her own chaotic life: career, marriage, and motherhood to a teenage daughter. Both women have nothing but opportunity ahead of them. There’s a problem, though – Madeline is miserable.

So, she sets out on a mission to find purpose in her life and untangle the roots of the habits she wants to change. She reluctantly tries yoga, meditation, and other suggestions from her new age-y therapist. It feels like she’s risking everything, but that just might be what it takes for her to find fulfillment.

My verdict:

I battled with the first part of the book because of all the verbal abuse Madeline was put through. But I stuck it out as I really enjoyed Khristin Wierman’s previous novel, Buck’s Pantry. And I am so glad I did. The therapy aspect of the book was fantastic, and that will always remain an area of interest for me. And the story has a happy ending which is always a good thing.

About the author:

Khristin Wierman was born and raised in a small East Texas town–which means she came into the world a Dallas Cowboys fan and ardently believes “y’all” is a legitimate pronoun. She spent twenty years rising through the marketing ranks of Fortune 500 companies, building a career that was lucrative, ego-boosting, and a little bit soul-crushing. So she quit. And had no idea what to do with her life. Writing ensued. Some things she really enjoys are playing golf with her husband and stepson, poker, yoga, chocolate, the Golden State Warriors, and the daily adventure of life with an adorably imperfect cat named Rocco. She lives in Oakland, California.

Publishing information:
ISBN 9781684632176
Format Electronic Book
Published September 2023

Sparkpoint Studio sent me this novel to review.

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