It is more economical to buy a whole chicken than cut up pieces. Dave braais the chicken and we eat a thigh and drumstick each, the same night. And then we use the rest of the meat in a variety of meals. This is a huge saving, not only financially, but in time, as I don’t have to cook on the nights we use leftovers. I had an idea for a meal that needed a bread of some sort. And so I made these baked roti to be enjoyed with some leftover chicken.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Baked Roti ♥
No young adult ever expects that they could be financially responsible for their parents one day. I have been actively saving since I was 13 years old. This was a habit instilled into me by my father. And one I am extremely grateful for. That habit saved me during lockdown, and even though I wiped out my entire savings, I knew I could start again. I also know that my father has practiced what he preached and so they will be financially OK for the rest of their lives. And fortunately for us, Dave’s parents were also able to look after themselves. But I listened in horror when a friend told me she now has to start supporting her parents. She has a young family and education does not come cheaply. So, on top of that burden, she now has the added responsibility of keeping a roof over her parents head.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Baked Roti ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
With a fixed income she will have no extra cash at the end of every month to put towards her future. And there is no end date to how long she will have to support her mother and father. This in itself could create a cycle where her children need to financially assist her as she gets older. And it explains why people in the poverty bracket can never really escape from not having enough money. Even though I had nothing saved up after Covid, I never had to worry about feeding my family or keeping a roof over our heads. And I know this is a huge blessing, not afforded to many people. I have made a concerted effort to rectify that, as who knows when the next lockdown could come our way! Do you actively save?
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Baked Roti
- 125 g bread flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting
- 1.25 mls fine salt, sifted
- 1.25 mls instant dried yeast
- 0.625 mls erythritol
- 75 mls water
- Place the flour, salt, yeast and erythritol into a stand mixer bowl and add the water
- Use a dough hook to bring the dough together, then knead for 10 minutes
- Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and divide the dough into 4 50g pieces
- Roll each piece into a ball, cover with a dry cloth and leave to prove for 1 hour
- Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
- Roll out each piece only a lightly floured surface into a 2mm thick disc
- Place onto a lined baking tray and place into the oven
- Bake for 5 minutes, then flip over and bake for a further 5 minutes
- Remove from the oven and serve immediately
View the previous posts on September 12:
- 2022: Spiced Cauliflower Soup
- 2021: Suspects
- 2018: King Georges Guesthouse
- 2016: Calming Goji Berry Smoothie
- 2013: Kiwi Fruit Salsa
- 2012: Miss Melicious Cupcakes
- 2011: Saul’s, Strand
- 2010: Food Quiz Number 36 For A Friday
I have similar issues with roast chicken which I use 4 ways for my OH, the last of which is often in a curry.
Same here!
You are one of the lucky people who doesn’t have to support parents. I support both of mine in entirety, my husband contributed towards the support of his grandmother until she passed in May this year. My three sisters are all supporting their husbands parents and one is also helping her SILs family. We are not unique and we are also not poor. We all come from middle class families. Many of our friends and colleagues are also supporting family members and, of course, there is ‘black tax’ which ways heavily of some colleagues.
You are fortunate you can afford to support your parents.
Nice! They look wonderful! I never knew braai is also a verb. good to know!
Thank you Mimi 🙂
We normally buy cut up chicken, but just last week we checked the whole bird – and omg, that’s quite a big difference for kilograms. So we’re going to stick to whole chicken now. And this flatbed? Tasty!
it is amazing the savings!
Honestly – given the first opportunity must try your very easy recipe – eat an awful lot of flatbreads but these are so available at reasonable prices here I simply have not tried . . . rotis have usually been restaurant fare a our ‘curry’ restaurants . . . thanks!
Ours are so expensive here so I tend to make my own 🙂
My online supermarket uses about 4-5 different bakers, 2 sizes, packed in 4s and 8s usually. My large-sized 8 is usually about $A 5-6 – as quality-wise there is not a huge difference I just buy the inevitable one on special 😉 ! But I am talking of tortilla-like flatbread not roti freshly cooked !
For that price is is worth buying 🙂
crumbs that is sad about having to support one’s parents. We have the old-age pension here so no-one has to go without. and of course compulsory Superannuation covers many people after having paid it thru-out their working lives. I am on a comfortable-enough annuity myself after paying Super for years! Do other countries not have these things? Forgive my ignorance. Your roti looks delicious btw Tandy.
We have a state pension here but it is negligible. Certainly not enough to live off. Pension policies are totally voluntary here. I have a retirement annuity which matures when I am 55 and after that I can keep it invested until I need a monthly income 🙂
We have always been savers. We had to help my husband’s mother in many ways, but not financially. We needed to drive her to doctors, take care of managing her bills, cook for her, etc. She and her husband and 5 kids were refugees to the US at the age of 50 and came here penniless.. Somehow with both she and her husband working 2 jobs each and living very frugally, they managed to save enough money for their old age. She lived to age 96 and he to 92.
That is an amazing story! Where did they come from?