April 2021 Showcasing In My Kitchen

How was April 2021 for you? Work wise it was of course like chalk and cheese to last year. In 2020 we were in hard lockdown, not allowed to leave our homes for anything other than an emergency, or to go shopping for essentials. This year, we worked and what a blessing that was. We spent time with the kids enjoying family meals. And we flew up to Johannesburg. It was the first time since November 2019 we had been on an aeroplane. Needless to say, it was amazing to travel, and to spend my dad’s 75th birthday with him. I was responsible for the main course and dessert. And it was the most special gift I could give him.

April 2021 and the recipes from my kitchen

On the dessert front I made black sesame ice cream, blueberry frangipane, apricot clafoutis, condensed milk biscuits and choc nut bars.

From the savoury side there was confit garlic, korma paste, Bombay potatoes, curried carrot mash and Kerala prawn curry.


One new thing in my kitchen

Another great gift from my dad was this dried shrimp. I had no clue what to do with them but kept them in my fridge until I found a recipe. I am busy reviewing a new cook book and there was a recipe for XO sauce in it. And that needed dried shrimp!

Dried Shrimp April 2021
Dried Shrimp

This is my May submission to the #IMK series, hosted by Sherry. Each month bloggers around the world gather to share what is new in their kitchens. 

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime May 5:

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Lavender and Lime Signature
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19 thoughts on “April 2021 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. It’s wonderful to see family after all this time! We have enjoyed two trips since being vaccinated. Congratulations to your father on his birthday.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. hi tandy
    thanks for joining us. looks like you have been busy in the kitchen! dried shrimp? interesting. i wouldn’t know what to do with it. We haven’t flown since Jan 2020, so getting on a plane would be something new:-) Not sure when that will happen. have a great May and see you next month.

  3. All sounds yummy! I made fermented garlic with a bounty of garlic from last year. It’s been wonderful to have local garlic left for spring!

  4. Wow that effort for the dinner/visit looks impressive – I wanted to eat all the desserts – black sesame ice cream!!!! You sound like you have a bit of excitment about getting out and about which is nice – I went on a plane for the first time in 2 years recently and it was an odd experience but good to travel for work!

  5. I love the Bombay potatoes with curry. That’s a meal I can make without the oven! That’s what I need now

  6. And how was the XO sauce? Chinese people often cook with dried shrimp, which we use to flavour sauces and sometimes soups. You can also add it to dumpling fillings for extra flavour.. but XO sauce is the way to go! Please share 🙂

    1. Ooh, now I have another reason to try and make dumplings. I will share as soon as I can get something made with the sauce 🙂

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