My dad does not eat garlic so in order to give the rest of us an option, I made confit garlic. This was perfect to leave on the table so we could help ourselves at mealtimes. I must say it is really easy to make, and just as easy to burn. So you need to keep watching the butter.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Confit Garlic ♥
It has been over a year since we went into lockdown. And when speaking to people I hear very different reactions. Friends in the medical field use the word ‘shattered’ to describe how they are feeling. Others are using terms such as fearful and afraid. My Doctor talks of psychological Covid and people I know have had panic attacks waking up thinking they are sick. I too have had down days, or one fleeting moment when I had a fever and was angry. Decades ago I devised a treatment plan for depression. I hope by sharing this it might reach someone who needs help to get them through their day. Buy yourself a beautiful A5 notebook with lined pages. You will need a pen you love writing with, that feels good in the hand. And a nice thick marker pen in any colour.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Confit Garlic ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
Each morning, before you do anything else, pick up your pen and notebook. Write one page of anything that comes to mind. The discipline here is to write freely, and only fill one page. Don’t read through what you have written and when you are done, put the book down. Last thing at night, grab your notebook and the marker pen. Now write over your words two things. The first is to take the most negative thing that happened to you that day and turn it into a positive. For example: The worst thing that happened to me today was I slipped on wet tiles. And what I would write down: today I did not break my toe when I slipped. The second task is to record what you are grateful for such as: today I am grateful for the meal my husband cooked for me.
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Confit Garlic
- 75 g butter
- 10 cloves garlic, peeled
- Place the butter into a sauce pan and melt on the stove over a low temperature
- Once melted add the garlic and leave to simmer gently for 15 minutes
- Remove from the heat, take the garlic out and store in a ramekin and use as needed
- Keep the garlic flavoured butter to use as needed
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime April 5:
- 2020: The Night Fire
- 2019: Marinated Artichoke Hearts
- 2017: March 2017 Showcasing In My Kitchen
- 2015: Lovestruck
- 2012: Roast Pork
- 2011: Scraping
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
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Mmmmmm. I’ve made garlic confit with olive oil, but not butter!
I like using butter for this 🙂
great idea for a journal, and even better that it worked for you!
I really found that it did 🙂
I am quite lucky, Tandy, I haven’t felt depressed. Sometime a bit fed up and very overworked but not depressed. I’m with your dad, I don’t like garlic.
You are very lucky to never have suffered from depression!
Unlikes your dad, I love garlic, so this is perfect for me Tandy! And although I am blessed to have never experienced depression, my girls kept thinking they had COVID including a fever even though they were perfectly fine! Needless to say, I did not let them watch the news anymore!
Kids thinking they have Covid is scary. I would also keep them away from the news.
Yeah, unfortunately mental health problems is a tremendous subsequence of all these lockdowns – and this part had been neglected (I think the problem is being accepted more and more now). So I really hope that people don’t just ignore any signs / able to have some support or professional help. On a positive note, hopefully the worst part is in the past.
Now, I am a huge fan of garlic. Sometimes I’m embarrassed to acknowledge how much garlic I use hehe. But surprisingly, I’ve never made garlic confit. I’ll need to fix this ASAP!
Hope you try this recipe Ben, and thank you for the lovely comment and visit 🙂