Home Made Chocolate Using Cacao Butter

Do not be daunted when you see the words home made chocolate. It really is easy to do.

A while back I needed a lot of chocolate to make a recipe and for some strange reason, none of the shops that I went to had any sugar free dark chocolate in stock. When we were at the opening of the Pick N Pay at the V&A Waterfront, my friend Bernice who blogs at Betty Bake asked me why I did not make my own. This had never entered into my thought pattern but now that the suggestion was made I spent some time thinking about doing this. I have so much Willie’s pure cacao at home (which can now be bought at the new Pick N Pay by the way), as I bought about 15 of them when they were last on special. I also have some cacao butter which I received when I went to a rawlicious evening. That and honey were all the ingredients I needed to make my own chocolate. This chocolate can be used for baking as is, or it can be tempered to make chocolate treats. I decided to eat it as is, and place it onto some lovely chocolate transfer sheets to decorate it. I also tossed in some goji berries to make it look pretty and up the health factor!

Home Made Chocolate
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Home Made Chocolate

Recipe Category: Sweets
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 30 g cocoa butter
  • 70 g solid cocoa roughly chopped
  • 20 g honey


  • Place the cocoa butter and cocoa into a bowl
  • Place the bowl over a bain-marie and let the cocoa melt
  • Remove from the heat and whisk in the honey
  • Leave to cool slightly before pouring out and leaving to set in the fridge

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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37 thoughts on “Home Made Chocolate Using Cacao Butter

  1. Wow! Thats easier than i would have guessed. I love the addition of the goji berries and your pic is so pretty xx

  2. Thank you Tandy! I will have to have a look around for the ingredients here on the other side of the “boerewors” curtain, but I would love to have a go at this. Thanks again for sharing. xx

  3. I never made my own chocolate…thanks for the recipe Tandy…I will have to try this one of this days.
    Have a wonderful week 😀

  4. Oh Wow Tandy–this looks and sounds amazing-i will have to give it a try. I am sure it will go down well–as the whole family have embarked on a no sugar diet.

  5. Ohohoh, home-made chocolate? That is the ultimate treat for Valentine! Not sure where to find the cocoa butter, here but I would love to try your recipe 🙂

  6. I bought myself some pure cocoa before Christmas and I’ve yet to play with it…… you make it all seem easy to do. I don’t have cocoa butter though, what would you advise?

    1. The cacao butter is an important part of chocolate making. I am not sure what you could use but I am willing to experiment with a few things and get back to you 🙂

  7. I’ve been looking around for sugar-free dark chocolate ever since we visited The Spice Route in Paarl and attended one of their chocolate classes. I’m so glad I came across this post. Seems like SA is a tad behind certain ingredients, so good to know this exists here. Is there somewhere in the Helderberg that you know of that stocks it, or just the PnP at the Waterfront? Thanks for visiting my blog – so glad I came across yours! 🙂

    1. Melanie, it is only SW that is so far behind. It is the one thing I have struggled with a lot since we moved here. You can use plain cocoa powder if you want to. And if you don’t feel like making this from scratch, the health shop at the mall sells sugar free chocolate. Have a super weekend 🙂

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