Chilli Sauce

This chilli sauce is made when I have an abundance of chillies in my garden. Or when I bring chillies back with me from Italy.

Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Chilli Sauce ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X

I am not one for very hot food as my sweat glands cannot take the heat. If food is too hot but still palatable I will eat it – but you will see straight away from my face that the meal was too spicy for me. This sauce is not for my palate – it is really hot. But, unlike most hot foods that I come across, it is very flavoursome. The ingredients make this chilli sauce have a flavour punch that you will enjoy, and you can scale down the heat by using mild chillies, or by removing the seeds from your chillies. I used medium hot chillies with the seeds, as we were having friends to stay for a week who love heat, and this chilli sauce was a great way for me to spice up their meals, while still being able to eat my own.

Do you eat spicy foods?

Chilli Sauce
Chilli Sauce
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Chilli Sauce

Recipe Category: Sauces
Makes enough for: 1 bacth sauce
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 4 large chillies, thinly sliced
  • 2.5 cm fresh root ginger, peeled and finely sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and finely sliced
  • 60 mls white wine vinegar
  • 30 mls fructose
  • 5 mls paprika
  • 5 mls fine salt
  • 2.5 mls ground cumin
  • 2.5 mls ground turmeric
  • 1 lime, zest and juice
  • 30 mls olive oil


  • Place the chillies, ginger, garlic, vinegar, sugar, paprika, salt, cumin and turmeric into a sauce pan
  • Bring to the boil
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Leave to cool before adding the lime zest and juice
  • Purée until smooth
  • Pour over the olive oil and seal the jar
  • Shake to mix well

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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54 thoughts on “Chilli Sauce

  1. I think I’d like your sauce very much Tandy – I love a hot chilli, from almost any culture – sambal belacan, piri piri sauce, harissa – love them all! 🙂 The only line I draw is at some of the truly crazy hot American sauces, which seem to be designed purely as a test of manhood for the brave souls that attempt them.

  2. My husband adores chilli sauce and we always have few different jars on the go in the fridge at a time. I love chillies and spicy food but don’t usually want extra sauce. This is something he would love me to make though.

  3. oww,don’t you dare ask Indonesian descent like me about spicy and hot food Tandy….hehehe
    asian descent can stand with chillies and usually got troubles with peppercorn,
    Called me a cocky, but i can eat the 4 chillies with 1 piece of deep fried tofu…
    btw, lovin your spicy spiced sauce my fried, i guess i’m enjoying it more with mytofu!!!

  4. I love a proper chilli sauce, and your recipe certainly ticks my boxes, so I’ve bookmarked it. Thank you Tandy, lovely post and recipe

  5. How funny!!!
    I had just picked all my chilli, capsicum and tomoatoes so I could make a chilli sauce too. Thanks for sharing, I will have to try some ginger in my sauce too.

  6. I love chilli sauces! I would die without chilli sauces! Singaporean in me talking 😉 This is a new one for me and I’m definitely up for trying this one. Sounds delicious and love the balance of flavours from the other ingredients going in. Yum!

  7. i myself dont like to much of heat from chilli–i like the flavor but not the burn–this looks great & different from what i usually make

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