Lavender Sugar

Lavender sugar is one of those condiments you can keep in your pantry to use when you need it. It can be used for baking to add a subtle floral taste to your cakes and biscuits. Or even add some to sweeten your hot cocoa.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Lavender Sugar ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

I have the most beautiful lavender bush that was given to me by my friend Sonja. It is a Margaret Roberts varietal and it is flowering like mad at the moment. Not wanting to waste the beautiful buds I made a batch of Lavender Sugar. I love lavender so much that I have a lavender garden showcasing the different varietals. So far I have planted English and French and I hope to expand the garden one bush at a time. When ever we go to 96 Winery Road I pick lavender to put next to my bed.

Lavender Sugar
Lavender Sugar
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Lavender Sugar

Recipe from Taste Magazine
Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch lavender sugar
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 250 mls sugar
  • 15 mls lavender petals


  • blitz in a food processor

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

These are my start to my Christmas Presents. You can make any herb sugar or salt using this recipe as a base. They make for lovely hostess gifts when you go out for dinner. I have several varieties of lavender growing in my garden. Each one flowers at a different time. 

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15 thoughts on “Lavender Sugar

  1. Thanks for this… A great idea for gifts (you really DO like to get an early start!). What’s it best use Lavender sugar on?

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