Orange Chocolate Mousse

You will have to try making this orange chocolate mousse to believe that you can make a dessert with only 2 ingredients. The nice thing is that you can determine the flavour of your mousse by using different bars of chocolate. Make sure it is a decent, dark chocolate to get the best results.

Dessert Platter Including Orange Chocolate Mousse
Dessert Platter
Head straight on to the Recipe For Orange Chocolate Mousse ♥

I watch every single episode of MasterChef. Dave’s favourite is MasterChef The Professionals, followed closely by Master Chef UK. I am not fussy about which one as they are all inspirational in their own right. Dave will not watch the Australian version with me so this is my afternoon TV viewing. I leave the master classes for the end and watch them when I have time to spare. Usually when Dave is away for motor racing. More often than not I fast forward through the recipes if they do not interest me. Last season Heston Blumenthal presented a master class. His one recipe was for a 2 ingredient chocolate mousse. I wrote it down and stuck it onto the fridge. And there it stayed until I saw some orange chocolate on special. It was super cheap and I thought it would make for a great orange chocolate mousse.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Orange Chocolate Mousse ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

I followed the recipe exactly how I had written it down and it failed. I could not fathom that a Heston recipe would not work. So I turned to the Google machine and found the recipe on the Waitrose website. As I trust the brand I decided to give the recipe a second go. The result was a perfect orange chocolate mousse that tasted good and took little time to prepare. Personally I feel you should have this recipe in your armoury. Something to make in a flash when you have unexpected guests. Or when you feel like a sweet treat but don’t have the time for something more elaborate.

Orange Chocolate Mousse
Orange Chocolate Mousse

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Orange Chocolate Mousse

Keep a stash of good chocolate in your pantry to make this quick dessert
Recipe Category: Dessert
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: Adapted From Heston Blumenthal


  • 70 g chocolate (I used 70% cocoa solids with an orange flavoured centre)
  • 55 mls very hot water


  • Roughly chop your chocolate and place into a bowl
  • The bowl must be small enough to fit inside another bowl that you have half filled with ice and water
  • Pour the hot water over the chocolate and whisk to combine
  • Once completely mixed, place the bowl into the water bath and continue whisking
  • As soon as it firms up to the consistency you want it, remove from the water bath
  • Serve straight away, or refrigerate to use later
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime April 13:

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13 thoughts on “Orange Chocolate Mousse

  1. Very intriguing! I’ve certainly never made mousse without either whipped cream or just eggs. And I’ve never thought about flavored chocolate!

  2. 5 stars
    This is so cool Tandy! I haven’t seen this type of recipe before. Love it 🙂

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