Spiced Caramel Ice Cream

Some recipes are born out of leftovers, and this spiced caramel ice cream is one of them. I made a large batch of the caramel to take to friends and not all of it would fit in the jar. So I used what was left in the bowl to make this dessert.


Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Spiced Caramel Ice Cream ♥

I met a friend for coffee the other day and she told me what happened to someone she knows. Supposedly, the person put her basket of goods on the counter and the cashier rang them up. After they were scanned, the items were placed into a bag. And when she left the store the sensor alarm went off. She was stopped by security, the goods checked against her slip and she was arrested for shoplifting. According to her, she gave the item to the cashier. I don’t know the outcome and I am not going to speculate, but the story has sat in the back of my mind since then. Last week I shopped the 3-for-2 specials at a local store. I gave the cashier one lot of goods, waited for her to ring them up, then put them in my bag.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Spiced Caramel Ice Cream ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

I did this to make sure the discount came off, but also with that incident in mind. After the third lot of goods she told me she had not rung something up, which I knew not to be the case as the discount had reflected. But when she said that again I decided to call the manager. I had the entire sale voided and made her ring each thing up in front of her supervisor. I was so cross as her lackadaisical approach to what she was doing in the first place necessitated this procedure. But I for one was not going to be accused of stealing if the cashier could not do her job. And I wanted the benefit of my large purchase by getting one item free for each three I bought. It took some time but eventually we got the sale completed.



Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Spiced Caramel Ice Cream With Magic Chocolate Sauce
Spiced Caramel Ice Cream With Magic Chocolate Sauce
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime March 11:

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12 thoughts on “Spiced Caramel Ice Cream

  1. HI Tandy, I have also noted some funny business going on with cashiers and purchasers. I too check my slip carefully now. A sign of the hard times, I suppose, but still not much fun. Thanks for this recipe.

    1. I don’t think hard times are an excuse for this. Just pure laziness on the part of the cashiers who don’t care about their jobs.

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