The Girl Who Came Back, Susan Lewis

The Girl Who Came Back opening line: It wasn’t right to feel this way.

The Girl Who Came Back

My Blurb:

Kian and Jules have the perfect life. They love one another deeply, run a successful business and have a beautiful daughter. But one visit from new customers will eventually lead to disaster. The awful young child grows into a young person no-one really likes. And her behaviour shatters the lives of people around her, including that of Kian and Jules. Will they survive the destruction and if not, can they find their way back to one another?

The Girl Who Came Back:
When Jules Bright hears a knock on the door, the last person she expects to find is a detective bringing her the news she’s feared for the last three years.
Amelia Quentin is being released from prison.
Jules’s life is very different now to the one she’d known before Amelia shattered it completely. Knowing the girl is coming back she needs to decide what to do. Friends and family gather round, fearing for Jules’s safety. They know that justice was never served; every one of them wants to make the Quentin girl pay.
The question is, what will Jules do; and which of them – her or Amelia – has the most to fear?
My verdict:
This book is the first Susan Lewis novel I have read and it won’t be the last. The story was gripping and an interesting read. And I held out hope until the end that all would work out for Jules.
Publishing information:
ISBN 9780099586548
Format Paperback
Published August 2016

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Penguin Random House South Africa. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 4:

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11 thoughts on “The Girl Who Came Back, Susan Lewis

  1. Hi Tandy, Susan Lewis is a new author to me. Will have to check her out, this book sounds like something I would enjoy very much. Great review.

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