Crab Pasta

I have certain products that are a staple in my pantry cupboard. Given that I have a very small kitchen, there cannot be a lot of things I keep on hand. So, what I do keep has to be worth it. Tinned crab is one of those ingredients. It in no way compares to live crab, but as we don’t get fresh crab here, this has to do. It is the ingredient I always use in my crab pasta.

Crab Pasta
Crab Pasta
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Crab Pasta

Recipe Category: Italian, Shellfish
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 175 g pasta of your choice, cooked as per package instructions
  • 15 mls coconut oil
  • 125 g mushrooms sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 1 whole red chilli
  • 1 yellow pepper, sliced
  • 125 g cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 1 tin crab meat
  • 15 mls cream


  • heat the coconut oil in a large frying pan
  • add the mushrooms, garlic clove and the chilli
  • when the mushrooms are soft, add the yellow pepper and the tomatoes
  • when the yellow pepper is cooked add the crab meat
  • when the crab meat is warm, remove the chilli and add the cream
  • add the cooked pasta and toss through to coat

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

About the ingredients in my crab pasta
  • Coconut oil is my preferred oil when using mushrooms. But if you don’t have this, use a good olive oil instead
  • Mushrooms are a staple in our fridge. I buy ready sliced ones as they are cheaper than whole ones.
  • Garlic needs to be firm when bought. Don’t worry if it start sprouting. You can still use the cloves, or plant them to harvest your own.
  • I use whole Calabrian red chillies which are very hot. If you use a milder chilli you can slice it up. Just don’t let the chilli dominate the crab.
  • Yellow peppers or capsicums was what I had at home. You can use orange or red, but not the green ones as they are not ripe.
  • I prefer cherry tomatoes as they are sweet but you can use any small tomato that you can find.
  • I am not sure how much the tin weighed as I wrote this recipe before realizing that was an important part of blogging. Needless to say, use what you have.
  • Cream in South Africa is what people in the UK refer to as double cream.
  • In this recipe I made use of dried fusilli pasta. If you have a healthy appetite then make 100g of dried pasta per person. We make 75g of pasta per person and this is sufficient for a decent meal.

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9 thoughts on “Crab Pasta

    1. I’m with Cin..can’t stand crab sticks either! But this recipe sounds lovely and simple to follow! Think I’ll give it a try..

  1. Crab meat is my ultimate absolute favourite! I am lucky enough (at a premium of course) to be able to buy fresh crab meat in little containers at my local grocery store. 🙂 Yippee for me.
    I agree, those “crab” sticks are horrid.
    I am not sure when I try this recipe that I will be able to stop at 1 tablespoon of cream.
    🙂 Mandy

  2. Come and visit and we can catch fresh crab here and make this recipe together!! I am for sure going to try this one girlfriend…just great! Thank you oxo (I don’t mind tinned crab off season either) oxo

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