Duck Egg Pasta For Presto Pasta Nights

I am submitting this recipe for Duck Egg Pasta to Presto Pasta Nights, which is being hosted this week by Ruth, the founder.

I am very fortunate to have a friend who uses ducks on his wine farm. The ducks eat the snails and sometimes if they are sneaky, they eat the grapes as well. At the moment the ducks are laying enough eggs for the wine estate to sell them, and so I dropped in at Vergenoegd to buy some eggs. John gifted me half a dozen and so I went home with 12 beautiful white shelled eggs, that have the most amazing yolks. I love to scramble duck eggs as they make for a rich breakfast. Or use them in pasta for their colour.

Fried Eggs
Fried Eggs

My favourite breakfast preparation with these eggs is to scramble them with nothing else but some butter and cream. Wanting to make a gift for John to say thank you I decided to make some pasta. I made enough to feed Dave and I for dinner, as well as making a sizable packet for John and Dorothy which I dropped off at the farm, the next time I needed eggs.

Have you tried duck eggs?

Duck Egg Pasta
Duck Egg Pasta
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Duck Egg Pasta

Recipe Category: Italian
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 300 g 00 Flour
  • 2 whole duck eggs
  • 1 duck egg yolk
  • Pinch of salt


  • Make a dough of the flour, eggs and salt
  • Knead for 5 minutes until the gluten develops
  • Cover in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes
  • Roll out using a pasta maker to number 7 on the dial
  • Cut into your desired thickness
  • Cook in boiling salted water for 1 minute if fresh, and 3 minutes if dry

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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31 thoughts on “Duck Egg Pasta For Presto Pasta Nights

  1. Mmmn, love duck eggs! There’s a shop locally that sells them and you can get them from most supermarkets these days. I love them poached, or fried in rapeseed oil and put inside a toast sandwich for brunch. Gorgeous! They make lovely cakes, too.

    1. A good farm shop should have duck eggs, I am not sure if they are seasonal though but if they are then you will find them in spring 🙂

  2. Oh how I LOVE duck eggs! We used to buy them at the markets, but haven’t done so in years – not since we got our backyard chooks. I should get some – I’ve missed eating them. Pasta looks wonderful, Tandy! 🙂

  3. I will definitely keep my eyes open for duck eggs. They look lovely as does the pasta. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights this week. It’s always a treat when you do.

  4. This sounds lovely. Going to give this a go. thanks for sharing this recipe.


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