I bake a cake nearly every week – as you can see by my blueberry cake recipe and my cinnamon cake recipe. My cakes need a sugar free icing and so I made ganache. Ganache is a flavoured cream made with chocolate and fresh cream, sometimes with butter added. It is used to decorate desserts, to fill cakes or sweets and to make truffles or petits fours. It was created in Paris in about 1850 at the Pâtisseri Siraudin (Larousse Gastronomique)

Making a ganache is one of the easiest things to do. And it makes for such a great topping to any cake. You do not need much time to make this recipe and the best part is you can make more than you need. It will keep in the fridge perfectly well for a couple of weeks. That is, if you can resist digging your spoon in every now and then for a mouthful. If I make more that I need I usually end up making hot chocolate. I add a generous amount to some cold milk and zap it in the microwave for 2 minutes. In fact, nothing can be simpler than that!
Chocolate Ganache
- 100 mls double cream
- 225 g semisweet chocolate broken into pieces
- bring the cream to the boil
- remove from the heat and stir in the chocolate
- mix until it has melted completely
- leave to cool but do not let it set
- whisk until it is pale and thick
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Yummy 🙂
all finished last night otherwise I would be having this for breakfast!
I don’t enjoy butter icing at all; it’s far too sweet for me. Ganache on the other hand…yummy!
most times I just melt a bar of chocolate and pour it on top 🙂
Hmmmm where’s mine?oxox
*quickly calls the post office* mwah!
Looks sooooo good!