Horseradish Dressing

Over Pesach I always serve this horseradish dressing with gefilte fish.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Horseradish Dressing ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

When we were in Wales I had the best horseradish sauce that I have ever tasted. I could eat horseradish raw and would do so if I could find this here where we live. In fact, I have only once seen horseradish in Somerset West. I took this photograph with my cell phone and used some of the horseradish that I bought to make chrain, a relish served traditionally with gefilte fish.


In Wales, my roast beef was served with horseradish sauce and it is the perfect accompaniment in my opinion! I so wanted to replicate the flavour of the horseradish when we got home and so I made this horseradish dressing. I used palm sugar as I am also busy experimenting with making sucrose free meringues and had grated a lot of palm sugar to use for that. You can use any sweetener of your choice. The store bought horseradish I have says ‘hot’ on the bottle but I find it to be still quite mild. My next aim is to try and grow my own horseradish, it I can just find some seeds.

Horseradish Dressing
Horseradish Dressing
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Horseradish Dressing

Recipe Category: Salad Dressing
Makes enough for: 1 batch dressing
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 5 g fresh tarragon leaves
  • 100 g yoghurt
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 30 mls olive oil
  • 10 mls horseradish sauce
  • 10 mls ground palm sugar
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season


  • Place the tarragon, yoghurt, lemon juice and zest, oil, horseradish and palm sugar into a blender
  • Blend until completely mixed
  • Season to taste


I added this to 700g steamed baby potatoes to make a delicious potato salad

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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58 thoughts on “Horseradish Dressing

  1. I have grown horseradish – Tandy – a couple of words of warning it has a very long tap root. Secondly when I came to process it the fumes were so potent that even chopping it in the food processor didn’t protect me – the fumes given off are like mustard gas! I ended up not been able to use it, unfortunately, as I love horseradish and had been so excited about having my own home grown! Anyway good luck:) and maybe someone else will have some useful tips on processing it.

    1. The fumes are amazing! I have been grating some fresh horseradish for another recipe as it is in season right now. I will keep the long tap root issue in mind when planting some 🙂

  2. I love fresh horseradish although it’s very easy to underestimate its strength. To my surprise I have noticed that there a small bottles of freshly made horseradish sauce – Raifort – in the chiller section of our French supermarket.

  3. Horseradish really is delicious, isn’t it, Tandy? I’ve had it with roast beef many times and it’s hard to beat. I love the mix of hot and tangy. I’ve never heard of making a dressing with it but it’s a fabulous idea!

  4. Oh my goodness how great minds think alike!!! I have a recipe for something very similar sitting in my inbox just getting ready to post. I am going to do a link to yours as how fun is that!!!

  5. Hi Tandy, well, here in Buffalo, it’s tradition to eat your roast beef sandwich with horseradish, it’s just the way it is served and expected. Funnily enough, we made a special trip last night to buy horseradish as we were out..for the beef on wreck as it is called here.

  6. I love horseradish but it doesn’t really grow here either. I enjoy it best of BBQ steak. Every two years we head to the Barossa Valley and I top up my supply of Zimmy’s Horseradish which I then add to sauces. I’ll keep this recipe handy for the next time I’m making some.

  7. We love horseradish! I love to mash it into potatoes or eat it with cheese. Will try your recipe as we are flush in red potatoes right now.

  8. The flavour of fresh horseradish or the japanese counterpart, fresh wasabi is so different! So spicy and such great kick! I tried fresh horseradish once from the farmer’s market- and used it in place of mustard for a sauce and it was really good. Love your dressing – yum!

  9. Yum! I love horseradish too. I’ve learned that I can grow horseradish easily and well here, so I’m very excited to get some planted soon. 🙂

  10. I was talking with Mom the other day about what we would put in our veggie patch this year and horseradish made the list. Love me a horseradish too. Great recipe, cant wait to whip up a batch. 🙂

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