No Knead Seeded Loaf

My no knead seeded loaf was shaped in a loaf tin due to the wetness of the dough. I line my tin with baking paper as it has holes in it to allow the crust to form evenly around the loaf. This was dusted with flour to ensure the baking paper did not stick to my bread. This is a two day recipe that calls for a non-active sourdough starter and rye flour to feed it.

No Knead Seeded Loaf
No Knead Seeded Loaf
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ No Knead Seeded Loaf ♥
Let’s talk about gluten

All wheat based flours contain gluten, and to a small degree so does rye flour. There are two incomplete proteins in wheat based flours, namely glutenin and gliadin. When water is added to flour, these partial proteins bond together and form a complete protein, known as gluten. Basic bread making is all about adding water, salt and yeast to flour. The resulting gluten allows this dough to stretch and contract, and can hold its shape. Without gluten we would not be able to shape or form bread. Basically, you would end up with a flat pancake! Bread flour contains a stronger gluten structure which creates breads with large bubbles and an open crumb, such as ciabatta.

More about the crumb

When we talk about crumb, we mean the inside texture of the bread. This can be dense, like when you make a 100% rye bread. Or it can have a nice open structure, full of holes. This no knead seeded loaf had a beautiful crumb in my opinion. There were plenty of random sized holes and the texture was super soft.

Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ No Knead Seeded Loaf ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X

No Knead Seeded Loaf


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No Knead Seeded Loaf

This is a two day recipe that needs very little of your attention
Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 1 loaf bread
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


For the rye starter

  • 70 g sourdough starter
  • 70 g rye flour
  • 70 g water

For the bread

  • 500 g bread flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 150 g active rye starter
  • 350 g water, plus extra in a spray bottle for sprinkling
  • 11 g fine salt
  • 50 g sunflower seeds (or any seeds of your choice)


Day 1:

    For the rye starter

    • Place the sourdough starter, flour and water into a large bowl and whisk to combine
    • Set aside in a warm place until activated

    For the bread

    • Place the flour in a large mixing bowl
    • Weigh out your active rye starter, add the water and whisk to combine
    • Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the rye starter mix
    • Using your hands gently bring the mixture together to form a dough
    • Cover and set aside for 1 hour
    • Sprinkle the salt on top of the dough and spray a little bit of water onto the salt
    • Gently mix the salt in, until the dough tightens up
    • Cover and set aside for a minimum of 6 hours
    • Do 10 stretch and folds starting at the 12 o’clock position and going clockwise to complete the circle
    • Leave the dough to rest, uncovered, for 30 minutes
    • Sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the top and do another set of stretch and folds until the seeds are incorporated into the dough
    • Leave the dough to rest, uncovered, for 30 minutes
    • Tip the dough out onto a generously floured piece of baking paper, large enough to fit into your loaf tin
    • Gently lower the baking paper into the loaf tin then dust the top of the dough with flour
    • Cover and leave to prove for 1 hour
    • Place into the fridge overnight

    Day 2:

    • Remove the dough from the fridge and leave it to prove for 2 hours
    • Preheat the oven to 220° Celsius
    • Cut two slashes into the top of the dough then place the baking tin into the oven
    • Generously spray the inside of the oven with water and bake for 50 minutes
    • Remove from the oven and place onto a wire rack to cool completely before slicing
    See the links below for blog posts I published on February 8:

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    11 thoughts on “No Knead Seeded Loaf

    1. yes the crumb looks fantastic. i only make no knead in the fridge overnight type of bread. Tastes delicious! I’m just not a natural bread baker i guess.

    2. This looks really good, but minus the seeds for me. It’s interesting that you used the rye flour in the starter. I’ll do that next time I bake bread.

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