I made a decision last year to get myself a wearable fitness tracker and spent a lot of time looking around at what would be the best option for me. As I had not worn anything on my wrist for over 10 years, I did not want to get something very expensive, and then not use it. After a lot of research I decided to buy the Polar Loop. The reviews were mostly positive, and the negative aspects were not of a concern to me. I wanted a fitness tracker to measure my steps and monitor my sleep. It also had to be waterproof and for me, the Polar Loop ticked all of the boxes.

Fitting the Polar Loop
The band needs to be cut to make it wearable, and before doing that I wore it for a day and slept with it, with the band placed around my upper arm. It was comfortable enough and so I used the measuring slip to work out how many ‘links’ to cut. The sheet told me to cut 6 off each side to snugly fit my very tiny wrist. I managed to get the buckle off with ease and cut 2 links to test the cutting, and the sizing. Getting the buckle back on was not that simple! So, to start I would recommend that you take one end off first, cut carefully, and reattach, before taking the other buckle off. I tried the 2/2 option, cut 3 off each end and tried that, and then spent half the day with 4 off each side as the buckle is too large for my wrist and I was not sure if I cut more off it will be OK to wear. To that end I sent an email via the website inquiring about buckle replacements and the response I got was quick and told me that the buckle only comes in one size, and that I would not have a problem making it smaller. I took another link off each side and settled on the 5/5. I could have gone for the 5/6 option, but I was not sure which link would be the best one to remove if I went for different numbers each side. The very informative instruction sheet does not give that advice either. As you cannot add back on I suggest you carefully cut a link at a time. And when I say cut carefully, I mean just that. The following day Dave noticed that I had cut the one side too close to the slot for the buckle pin and it was wearing through. He cut it nice and neatly for me and I have the 5/6 option with wriggle room. Which side you cut makes no difference at all, and the buckle size after a few days stopped bothering me.

Getting Started
Setting up the device was really simple. The information sheet directs you to a website URL. There is a file you need to download, and then install, and that walks you through putting in your personal information. From your personal information the Polar Loop works out your calories burnt, and the amount of exercise you should be doing each day. The device has a unique USB connector which is used for syncing and if you want to look at your stats on the web, as well as for charging. I do not have a compatible phone – BlackBerry is severely lacking in this department – but I have downloaded the app onto my iPad and it is fantastic. The website and app offers perfect analysis, telling me how long I slept for, and how restful / restless my sleep was. However, as the device needs a separate heart rate monitor it does not take into consideration the amount of time I spend at gym.
Plus points
- comfortable to wear
- easy to use
- 24/7 activity tracking; activity goal; active time; steps and activity distance; activity benefit
- sleep duration and quality
- tells the time
- display bright and big
- water resistant to 20m
Negative points
- does not monitor gym activity unless you wear the heart rate monitor
- inactivity alert notifications are visual and silent (you can set notifications on the app)
- battery life not the 6 days advertised
- there is no ‘sleep function’ to prevent the display being turned on at night
The bottom line
If you are looking for a simple fitness tracker then the Polar Loop should be perfect for you. I am now at the stage where I would like to get myself the newer model that has a built in heart rate monitor. To that end I am going to try and sell mine as the A360 is treble the price.
What I blogged April 17:
- one year ago – Win Tickets To Parklife Cape Town
- two years ago – Yoghurt Pastry
- three years ago – ‘Making’ Our Own Champagne At Weltevrede
- four years ago – Ginger Prawns On An Apple And Tatsoi Salad
- five years ago – Friday’s Food Quiz
- six years ago – Friday’s Food Quiz
HI Tandy
I started out with the Fitbit flex which worked really well. But didn’t have a heart rate monitor. Further research and Norman’s persuasion brought me to the Garmin Forerunner 225. It is a great device bit MUCH bigger than the slim and unobtrusive Fitbit. However I’m used to it now and it really does the trick. Norman has graduated to the Apple Watch which I envy – it is slimmer and very streamlined! Perhaps I’ll inherit it later ?
Last time I spoke to Norman he had the Garmin on and he told me about the one he had got for you. I don’t think I could justify the expense of the Apple Watch but I have been told they are very nifty 🙂
Iv’e only had Garmin products which have always been great.
Have a happy Sunday.
🙂 Mandy xo
I have heard only good things about the Garmin products Mandy 🙂
Great review. I went with the Fitbit One a year back. I cannot wear anything on my write all the time, drives me nuts. So I made a write cage and wear it as a pendant. They are fun gadgets to see how you are doing on an activity level for sure.
That was a clever idea Evelyne 🙂
Nice gadget. I’m glad it will help you a lot. How do you like it so far?
I really enjoy using it Agness 🙂
Interesting Tandy, thanks for sharing.
Thank for reading!
Hi Tandy, I wear the fitbit and love it, but next year I will update to the next model. In the meantime I will check out the polar-loop. Great review.
I cannot read the fitbit display which is why I went with the Polar products. The loop is very basic 🙂
Thanks for the review Tandy. I wear the UP by Jawbone and have been very happy with it. When it is time to upgrade, I’ll check out all of the options.
I like the look of the UP Tammy 🙂
With all the cooking I do, I definitely need one of these things 😉
You would be amazed at how much you walk around the kitchen!